簡介:全球第一架飛天車亮相 十 亞馬遜電子書銷量遠超越精裝書 十 使用者破五億 Facebook 躍升「世界第三大國」……(biz 英主播每週三早上10點準時開播)
Business Focus 趨勢哇哇哇
Wouldn't it be nice to escape the rush hour traffic
by literally flying away? Terrafugia is one company making this a reality
with a flying car called the Transition. The vehicle, which flies at 185
kph and drives at 105 kph, has been hailed as the best of a new generation
of flying cars.
用飛的方式避開交通尖峰時段不是一件很棒的事嗎?Terrafugia 公司就以一架名為Transition 的飛天車讓這個夢象成真。這輛每小時飛行速度 185 公里、車速 105 公里的交通工具被譽為新一代飛天車之最。
The publishing industry has become the latest
victim of the digital era as Amazon has announced it is now selling
considerably more e-books than hardbacks. For every 100 hardbacks
purchased, 143 e-books were downloaded for the Kindle reader during
the second quarter, Amazon revealed.
在亞馬遜網路書店宣布其電子書銷量目前已大幅超越精裝書時,出版業即成為數位時代下的最新受害者。亞馬遜表示,今年第二季期間,每賣出 100 本精裝書,就有 143 本電子書下載至 Kindle 閱讀器。
使用者破五億 Facebook 躍升「世界第三大國」
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has hailed
the “moving and interesting ways” the site is being used as the
number of users for the service grew to 500 million. The stats
show one in 14 people has signed up and Zuckerberg called it
“an important milestone.”
由於 Facebook 網站服務的用戶成長至五億人,創辦人馬克•祖克柏格因而讚譽該網站以「動人且有趣的方式」被使用著。這項數據顯示每十四人就有一人使用 Facebook,祖克柏格稱之為「一項重要的里程碑」。 |