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2010/09/27 第7期
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簡介:短短 18 分鐘的演說,世界因此得以改變。本文帶你深入了解 TED 如何推動世界改變的齒輪。

Eighteen Minutes to Change the World

You apply to attend a conference but are flatly rejected, even though the tickets are US$6,000 a pop. If this sounds absurd, remember: Only the creme de la creme is accepted at TED, a set of international gatherings formed to change the world by promoting “ideas worth spreading. ” So popular are TED events that applicants for the all-inclusive passes are turned away in droves.

TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, is run by the nonprofit Sapling Foundation. The most important of TED's annual events is held every spring and sees some of the world's top thinkers delivering keynote presentations. Speakers get 18 minutes to put their idea across during the 4-day meet, held in Long Beach, California. Previous headliners include Bill Clinton, entrepreneur Richard Branson, and even the rock star Bono.

It's not just about showcasing ideas either. In 2005, TED began awarding a prize of US$100,000 to individuals who have tried to get people to commit to world-changing action. Winners are asked to present their One Wish to Change the World with the aim of securing support. Originally shared between three people, the prize has now been narrowed down to one candidate. This year's winner was British celebrity chef and campaigner Jamie Oliver. He wished for help in creating a movement that would educate people about healthy eating and combat obesity.

TED 風格──18 分鐘改變世界的魔力

你申請參加一場會議,即便一張入場門票就要價六千美元,但你還是被斷然拒絕。如果這聽起來相當匪夷所思,可要記住:唯有精英才能參加 TED 這個由一系列國際聚會組成,透過提倡「值得傳播的思想」來改變世界的組織。TED 舉辦的活動熱門到成群申請全包式大會通行證的人皆不得其門而入。

TED 代表了科技、娛樂和設計,目前由非營利機構種子基金會負責營運。TED 最重要的年度盛事於每年春季舉行,一些全球頂尖的思想家在此發表主題演說。在這個於加州長堤舉行為期四天的集會中,講者有十八分鐘的時間來使其理念為人們所理解。先前的知名講者包括比爾•柯林頓、企業家理察•布蘭森,甚至還有搖滾明星波諾。

TED 可不僅是理念的展示而已。二○○五年時,TED開始頒發十萬美元獎金給嘗試激勵人們投身於改變世界行動的人。得主提出「改變世界的願望」以獲得支持。TED 大獎最初有三位得獎者,而現在則縮減至一位得主。今年 TED 大獎得主為英國名廚暨社會運動家傑米•奧立佛。他的願望乃幫助發起教育民眾健康飲食及對抗肥胖的運動。

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