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2012/01/09 第74期
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簡介:圖解高爾夫球場與基本動作 + 高爾夫基本配備英語這樣說

Yani Tseng Smiles Her Way into Record Books

In 2011, Taiwan's Yani Tseng won the Women's British Open by four strokes. At 22 years old, she became the youngest player, male or female, to capture five major championships, beating Tiger Woods by two years. Currently No.1 in the Women's World Golf Rankings, Tseng has swept 12 LPGA Tour victories across the globe.

Tseng emerged as an amateur star in Taiwan at 15, joined LPGA tournaments at 19, and has become an unstoppable force. An aggressive player, she blasts off the tee and always finds the pin. She made a big splash by winning the McDonald's LPGA Championship during her rookie season, landing her the 2008 LPGA Rookie of the Year award.

However, Tseng's instant success knocked her off balance. The “Birdie Machine” hit a sophomore slump in 2009, finishing no higher than 20th in five consecutive tournaments. Frustrated that she had hit a wall, she finally regained her cool with a little help from her family and a sports psychologist. “I was thinking too much about the results, trying too hard to be perfect. Just commit to the shot, just do your job,” says Tseng.

Her new attitude helped her make a striking comeback, and she landed her second major in 2010. It's been smooth sailing ever since. “If you never go down, you won't come up,” said Tseng. A real champion knows that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.


二○一一年,台灣的曾雅妮以四桿之差贏得英國女子高球公開賽。廿二歲的她成為無論是在男子或女子範疇中,奪得五座大賽冠軍的最年輕選手,比老虎伍茲還小了兩歲。目前是女子世界高球排名第一的曾雅妮已在全球囊括了 12 座女子職業高球巡迴賽的冠軍。

曾雅妮 15 歲時以業餘球星的身分在台灣發跡,19 歲加入女子職業高球巡迴賽,自此勢如破竹。她是一位積極的球員,揮桿深遠,且準度十足。她在菜鳥球季贏得麥當勞女子職業高球錦標賽引起各方矚目,從而獲得二○○八年女子職業高球年度新人王大獎。



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