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2014/04/07第183期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

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Paris of the Orient ── Ho Chi Minh City

Although it was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in 1976, Vietnam's economic heart is still commonly referred to as Saigon by residents and tourists. The fishing village from which the city emerged was inhabited by Khmers for hundreds of years before the arrival of the Vietnamese. By the 17th century, the interlopers outnumbered the natives to such an extent that the latter were in no position to prevent the establishment of an official Vietnamese administration in 1698. The Vietnamese were to get a taste of their own medicine with the establishment of French control of southern Vietnam by 1862. It wasn't until the mid-1940s that a serious threat to French rule began in the form of a guerrilla campaign led by the communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh.

With the defeat of the French in 1954, Vietnam was partitioned, with Ho's forces controlling Hanoi and the North and an American-backed regime holding sway in Saigon. Fearful of the spread of communism in the region, the Americans were soon themselves embroiled in one of the most notorious conflicts of the 20th century. The American War, as it is known to locals, did not end until the Fall of Saigon in 1975. The dramatic airlift of U.S. personnel and South Vietnamese refugees was the biggest such evacuation in history. Although their leader had died in 1969, the victorious North Vietnamese forces commemorated him with the new name for the city.




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