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2017/02/13第258期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

簡介:◎ 橘子節小詞典 ◎ take in 是什麼意思?

Food for Thought: Ivrea's Battle of the Oranges

The most popular origin story of Ivrea's Battle of the Oranges involves a despotic medieval lord invoking jus primae noctis on the wedding night of a local miller's daughter, only to be decapitated by her, thus inciting a revolt. Later, the people of Ivrea came to celebrate their triumph over tyranny via an annual reenactment. Initially, beans were the festive ammunition of choice, but during the mid-1800s, women were said to have substituted locally grown missiles for exotic French oranges in order to get the attention of their targets — men whom they deemed handsome.

Every year, the battle kicks off on the Sunday before Shrove Tuesday. Participants may either ride about on horse-drawn carriages as the lord's palace guards or join one of the nine teams of orange-hurling revolutionaries. Spectators who wish to avoid bruises may don red hats to signify their status as non-combatants or take in the spectacle of citrus-centric carnage behind netted windows.

The yearly food fight contains over 4,000 participants, attracts over 100,000 viewers and goes through roughly 500,000 kilograms of fruit. The chaos concludes when a woman chosen to represent the miller's daughter watches over the burning of the scarlo, a pole of juniper and heather. A brightly burning pole indicates a bright future.

義大利的水果大戰── 伊夫雷亞橘子節

這場年度食物大戰包含四千多名參加者,吸引逾十萬名觀眾,並大量使用約五十萬公斤的水果。混亂結束的時間點為一名被選為磨坊主人女兒的女子代表,看著燃燒的 scarlo── 一柱由杜松和石南花做成的長竿。燃燒旺盛的長竿預示著光明的未來。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.158 2月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/2/13(一) What do I need to open a bank account?
2017/2/14(二) What type of account are you interested in opening? Most people get either a savings or a checking account.
2017/2/15(三) You earn half a percent of compound interest with a savings account but nothing on a checking account.
您可從儲蓄帳戶獲得 0.5% 的複利利息,但支票帳戶沒有。
2017/2/16(四) Hi, I'd like to withdraw US$500 from my account.
2017/2/17(五) Can you fill out this withdrawal slip, please? And may I have your bankbook as well?
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