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2014/09/23 第181期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Waltzing the Night Away 今夜舞通宵
by Daniel Howard

The balls of Vienna have always been a way for anyone to be elegant for a night.

  Vienna is the capital of Austria, and it was home to some of history's most famous composers such as Haydn, Brahms, and the Strauss family. With such amazing music on hand, it is no surprise that Vienna would put it to good use by hosting hundreds of elegant balls. _(1)_
  The Viennese ball season, called Fasching, extends from New Year's Eve until the Christian holy days of Lent, which is usually in mid-February. Vienna's balls involve strict dress codes and formal dancing, both of which add to the elegance of the event. Dancing is the real purpose of a ball. _(2)_ Other popular dances include the tango and fox trot, which are more modern ballroom dances. _(3)_
  For most balls, the attire is extremely formal. Women are all expected to wear full-length gowns, and it is recommended that they not wear narrow skirts as that can interfere with the dancing. _(4)_ White tie events are the strictest, requiring white bow ties, shirts and vests, and black jackets with tails, trousers, and shoes. _(5)_ Balls in Vienna are fun, but customs also make them very formal, and anyone who doesn't meet the dress code may be turned away. Once inside, however, it's time to dance the night away in style.

(A) Less formal events also exist where attendees can dance swing, salsa, or other modern dances.
(B) Black tie events have simpler dress codes, which consist of black bow ties, dinner jackets, trousers, and shoes, as well as a white shirt.
(C) In fact, there are at least 150 official balls each season, and that number swells to over 300 if unofficial events are counted.
(D) The most popular dance in Vienna is the waltz, and at all traditional balls people dance the waltz.
(E) Men typically dress in white or black ties, depending on the ball.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "...it is no surprise that Vienna would put it to good use by hosting hundreds of elegant balls."(……它能夠善用這些音樂來舉辦數百場優雅的舞會,這一點也就不足為奇了。),而 (C) 項的句子針對數百場舞會做進一步說明 "In fact, there are at least 150 official balls each season, and that number swells to over 300 if unofficial events are counted."(事實上,每一季至少會有一百五十場正式舞會,而假使非正式的舞會場合也算進去,這個數字將增加到三百多場。),前後語意連貫,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. official a. 正式的;官方的
    Vincent's membership in the club was eventually made official.
    b. swell vi. 增長(三態為:swell, swelled, swollen。)
  2. 第二題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格後一句提及 "Other popular dances include the tango and the fox trot..." (其他熱門的舞蹈包括探戈與狐步……),而 (D) 項句子提到 "The most popular dance in Vienna is the waltz..."(維也納最受歡迎的舞蹈便是華爾茲……),前後兩句皆提及 popular dance(s)(熱門舞蹈),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Other popular dances include the tango and the fox trot, which are more modern ballroom dances."(其他熱門的舞蹈包括探戈與狐步,這些都是比較現代的國標舞。),而 (A) 項的句子補充說明 "...where attendees can dance swing, salsa, or other modern dances."(……在該場合中,與會者可以跳搖擺、騷莎或其他現代舞。),前後兩句皆提及 modern dance(現代舞),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    a. attendee n. 與會者,出席者
    b. swing n. 搖擺(舞)
    c. salsa n. 騷莎(舞)
  4. 第四題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Women are all expected to wear full-length gowns..."(所有女士都必須換上等身長的禮服……),而 (E) 項句子進一步說明 "Men typically dress in white or black ties..."(男士則通常會繫上白色或黑色的領帶……),兩句分別介紹男女各自的服裝規定,前後語意連貫,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. typically adv. 通常;典型地
    Male birds are typically more colorful than the females.
    b. depending on...  視……而定
    We may go picnicking tomorrow, depending on the weather.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "White tie events are the strictest, requiring white bow ties..."(白色領帶的場合最嚴格,必須穿著白色蝴蝶結……),而 (B) 項句子承接上句,進一步說明 "Black tie events have simpler dress codes, which consist of black bow ties..."(黑色領帶的場合服裝規定比較簡單,其中包括黑色蝴蝶結……),前後兩句 White tie events(白色領帶的場合)及 Black tie events(黑色領帶的場合)形成對比,故產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    dinner jacket  男性晚禮服
  1. elegant a. 優雅的
    The teacher praised Ian for his elegant handwriting before showing his paper to the whole class.
    *handwriting n. 字跡
  2. capital n. 首都(可數)& a. 大寫的
    Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.
    All proper nouns begin with a capital letter.
  3. be home to...  是……的發源地/所在地
    The Amazon is home to more species of plants and animals than any other ecosystem on the planet.
  4. put...to good use  善加利用……
    I put my winter vacation to good use by cleaning out my bedroom.
  5. extend vi. & vt.(使)擴展/延伸
    The powerful empire extended its borders to Asia.
  6. it is recommended + that 子句  建議……
    recommend vt. 建議
    It is recommended that everyone eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
  7. interfere with...  阻礙/妨礙……
    = hamper vt.
    Linda never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.
  8. turn away...  拒絕……
    We were turned away from the restaurant because we weren't wearing formal clothes.
  1. waltz vi. 跳華爾滋舞 & n. 華爾滋舞
  2. Fasching n.(奧地利和德國四旬齋前的)狂歡節
  3. Lent n. 四旬齋(基督教徒在復活節前為期四十天的齋戒)
  4. the dress code  服裝規定
  5. elegance n. 優雅
  6. fox trot  狐步舞
    trot n. 小跑,快步
  7. ballroom dance  國標舞,社交舞
  8. attire n. 服裝(集合名詞,不可數)
  9. gown n.(女性的)長禮服
  10. bow tie  蝶型領結
  11. trousers n. 長褲(恆用複數)
  12. custom n. 風俗,慣例
  1. dance the night away  整晚持續不斷地跳舞
  2. in style  穿著有型.


答案: 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B

常春藤一夏!開學ING 健康隨行!
桃園九月飄雪 大溪鎮韭菜花季逍遙遊


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