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2013/05/28 第102期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Dance, Dance, Dance!  盡情舞出自我

  Dancing is amazing. It is part culture, play, and entertainment. Many people enjoy dancing because it makes them feel young and carefree. Some people love to dance so much that it has even become their jobs. Professional dancers perform in shows, special events, and competitions. One type, ballroom dancing, is very breathtaking to watch. As some dancers glide over the floor, others move quickly and dramatically. Still other ballroom dancers show off their fun side and do tricks.
  The first record of ballroom dancing was during the Renaissance in France. It was originally for people in high social classes, while folk dancing was for those in the lower classes. Ballroom dancing has changed over time, but it has not lost its gracefulness. Today, anyone can take classes and strive to become a ballroom dancer. The main categories of competitive ballroom dancing, or dancesport, are International Standard and International Latin. The former includes the Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Slow Foxtrot, and Quickstep. The Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Rumba, Paso Doble, and Jive are all under the latter. There are other categories as well, such as American Style. Some dances have no category and are simply called ballroom dances like the West Coast Swing.


  有關社交舞的首次歷史記載可追溯至法國的文藝復興時期。它原先是讓上流社會人士所跳的舞步,而民俗舞蹈則是屬於較低階層的民眾。社交舞隨著時間逐漸改變,但卻沒有失去其優雅的程度。今日,任何人都可以參加舞蹈課程、努力成為社交舞舞者。競賽型的社交舞,或稱體育舞蹈,當中的兩種主要類別為國際標準舞和國際拉丁舞。前者包括華爾滋、探戈、維也納華爾滋、狐步舞和快步舞。後者則有森巴、恰恰、倫巴、鬥牛舞和捷舞。同時間還有其他的類別,例如American Style。一些像是West Coast Swing的舞步則不屬任何類別,只是單純稱做社交舞而已。

  1. carefree a. 無憂無慮的
    Melissa wishes she were a carefree teenager once again.
  2. breathtaking a. 令人屏息的,令人驚嘆的
    Many people climbed to the top of the mountain to take in the breathtaking sunrise.
  3. glide vi. 滑行;滑翔
    The kids watched the seagulls glide through the air with great ease at the beach.
  4. dramatically adv. 戲劇化地;急劇地
    Our lives have changed dramatically since the invention of the Internet.
  5. over time  漸漸地,慢慢地
    Thanks to the help and support of her family, Lisa recovered from her injuries over time.
  6. category n. 類別,種類
    It was the first time a child was nominated in the Best Actor category.
  7. the former n. 前者(former a. 前者的)
    the latter n. 後者(latter a. 後者的)
    John and Peter are quite different. The former is outgoing, while the latter is shy.
  8. simply adv. 僅僅,只是(強調語氣用)
    Some people collect stamps, while most simply use them for mailing letters.
  1. ballroom dancing n. 社交舞(台灣多稱為『國標舞』)
  2. Renaissance n. 文藝復興時期
  3. folk dancing n. 民俗舞蹈
  4. gracefulness n. 優雅,優美
  5. dancesport n. 體育舞蹈

some...others...still others...
"some...others...still others..."用於非限定的三個群體,表『一些……一些……另一些……』。其他有關 some 及 other 在限定和非限定句型中的用法尚有:
1. some...others...  一些……另一些……(用於非限定的兩個群體)
Some visitors to Taiwan won't eat pig's blood cake, and others won't touch stinky tofu.
2. some...the others...  一些……其餘……(用於限定的一個群體)
Some of the students in the class failed the test. The others passed.

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