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2014/01/21 第134期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Weird and Wacky Food Joints 古怪餐廳大集合

  The next time you visit Japan, Alice of Magic World in Tokyo is worth checking out. The dining experience is taken directly from the pages of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Disney's animated movie version of the novel. Guests actually sit in giant teacups that surround dining tables made of playing cards, and there is even a magic forest to stroll through. The menu features a Cheshire Cat tail pizza and a Queen of Hearts red wine sauce served by Alice herself. It is definitely a must-see for Alice fans.
  Last on the list of strange places to eat is the world's first underwater restaurant. Ithaa, which means mother of pearl in the local language of the Maldives, is located five meters below sea level. Its charm lies in the see-through walls that provide diners with spectacular views of marine life. The restaurant is surrounded by coral reefs, which means there is plenty to enjoy. If having dinner there is not enough, guests can even reserve the entire restaurant and sleep there for the night. It is truly the weird and wacky places on the planet that makes the world a more interesting place to live and dine.


  最後一個在古怪餐廳名單上的則是世界上第一間水底餐廳。Ithaa 這間餐廳的名字在馬爾地夫當地的語言中意思是珍珠貝母,它位於海平面下五米深的地方。這家餐廳的魅力在於提供給用餐者可欣賞到壯觀海底世界的透明牆。珊瑚礁環繞著整間餐廳,這意味著在這裡用餐有許多的樂趣。如果光是在那裡用餐還不夠的話,顧客還可預約整間餐廳並在那裡過夜。地球上這些稀奇古怪的地方實在讓生活在世界上及用餐變得更為有趣。

  1. be worth V-ing  值得做某事
    The city is worth visiting because the food there is fantastic.
  2. giant a. 巨大的
    A giant monster is said to live in this lake.
  3. surround vt. 圍繞,包圍
    A lot of fans surrounded the singer at the airport.
  4. be made of...  由……製成(原料的性質不變)
    This delicate necklace is made of crystal.
  5. charm n. 魅力
    No one could resist that singer's charm.
  6. lie in...  在於……
    Luther's success lies in his positive, never-give-up attitude.
  7. provide sb with sth  為某人提供某物
    The company provides its employees with various benefits.
  8. reserve vt. 預訂
    You'd better reserve a room at the hotel as soon as possible.
  1. animated a. 卡通(片)的;動畫的
  2. stroll vi. 散步
  3. see-through a. 透明的
  4. spectacular a. 壯觀的
  5. marine a. 海洋的
  6. coral reef n. 珊瑚礁
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