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2014/04/01 第144期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Line to Success  超夯即時通訊軟體 App—Line

  Recently, Sir Paul McCartney, formerly of The Beatles, launched a profile on the mobile social networking app, Line. Within four days, he had 3.1 million fans. To celebrate, McCartney rewarded them with a digital sticker pack that could be used with the Line messaging service. This might not mean much in the real world. However, in the highly competitive online world, Line has shown established apps like Twitter, WhatsApp, and Facebook that they are a serious competitor.
  Line is very similar to Skype in that people who download it to their phones can talk to and message others who have the app for free. However, Line wants to be much more than just a clone of another brand. Roughly 80 percent of Line's traffic is from outside Japan, where the company is based. This includes 17 million users in Taiwan. The company is also aggressively building its customer base. That way musicians and movie stars will want to use its services to get directly into the pockets of their biggest fans. It seems as though the sky is the limit for Line.


  最近,前披頭四成員保羅•麥卡尼爵士在手機社群網路應用程式 Line 上推出個人檔案(官方帳號)。四天內他就有了三百一十萬名粉絲。為了慶祝這件事,麥卡尼以能夠和 Line 的簡訊服務來搭配使用的數位貼圖包來回報他們。這在真實世界裡可能沒多大的意義。然而,在競爭激烈的網路世界裡,Line 已向既有的應用程式如推特、WhatsApp 及臉書證明他們是重要的競爭對手。
  Line 與 Skype 非常相似,因為將它下載到手機上的人能和其他有相同應用程式的人免費通話及傳簡訊。然而,Line 想要的絕不只是成為其他廠牌的翻版。Line 的通訊流量大約八成來自日本(Line 的公司所在地)以外的國家。這包含了在台灣的一千七百萬名用戶。該公司也正積極地建立其顧客基礎。那樣一來,音樂家和電影明星就會想要使用其服務來讓他們最死忠的粉絲直接掏錢購買他們的作品。這樣看來似乎 Line 的前途將不可限量。

  1. formerly adv. 以前,從前
    A great portion of South America was formerly ruled by Spain.
  2. launch vt. 推出(商品)
    The company conducted a market survey before they launched their new product.
  3. celebrate vi. & vt. 慶祝
    Vicky's friends brought her favorite chocolate cake to help celebrate her birthday.
  4. reward sb with sth  以某物報答某人
    reward vt. 報答,酬謝
    The company rewarded Allen with a big bonus for his hard work.
  5. digital a. 數位的,數碼的
    If I may, I would like to tell you what is so special about this digital camera.
  6. download vt. 下載
    Christine downloads all her favorite songs from the Internet.
  7. aggressively adv. 積極地
    The software company is aggressively promoting their products all over the world.
  8. The sky is the limit.  不可限量。
    The coach believes the sky is the limit for the talented high school basketball player.
  1. profile n. 個人檔案;人物簡介(編按:在 Line 介面中稱為官方帳號)
  2. clone n. 翻版,複製品

pocket 的相關用法

本文 "...to get directly into the pockets of their biggest fans." 中的 pockets 為名詞,常表『口袋』,本文中則引申為『金錢;收入』之意,相關片語有 out of / from one's own pocket(自掏腰包)、suit every pocket(適合各種收入的人)及 deep pockets(資金雄厚)等。如:

The company expects us to pay for the yearly staff trip out of our own pockets.
The department store offers products with a price range to suit every pocket.
Anyone who wants to buy out the baseball team will need deep pockets.



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