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2014/07/15 第158期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Puppy Bowl 可愛無法擋 ── 《狗狗超級盃》

  Sports can be one way to get attention, but cute puppies are always a sure bet. What could be better than combining the two? Animal Planet decided to connect the two ideas by creating The Puppy Bowl. The series imitates the Super Bowl and features puppies as contestants. The experience also includes a half-time show put on by kittens, who are fueled by catnip to inspire the reluctant ones. The puppies that compete, or rather play in the games, all come from animal shelters. The show enables viewers, who number in the millions, to fall in love with these furry friends and gives them an opportunity to provide the animals with permanent homes.
  In fact, adoption is the aim of the show, and success stories are part of another show called Adoption Tales. Numerous adoptions have taken place, and Animal Planet airs these stories to encourage more pet adoptions. Various animal rescue groups and shelters participate, increasing people's chances of finding the perfect pal for all their furry needs.


  事實上,領養是這個節目的主要目的,而成功領養的故事則是另一個節目──Adoption Tales 內容的一部份。已經有許多領養的例子了,而《動物星球頻道》會播出這些故事來鼓勵更多人領養寵物。各個不同的動物救援團體和收容所都有參與,增加了人們的機會來找到完美的夥伴以滿足他們對於毛茸茸動物的需求。

  1. imitate vt. 模仿
    The comedian likes to imitate politicians to entertain the audience.
  2. inspire vt. 鼓舞,激勵
    Nina was inspired to be a conservationist after she watched the documentary.
    * conservationist n. 動物/環境保育者
  3. reluctant a. 不情願的,勉強的
    The movie star was reluctant to talk about her personal life at the press conference.
  4. compete vi. 競爭
    The travel agency launches various package tours to compete for customers during big holidays.
  5. shelter n. 收容所;避難所
    The charity provided the victims with food and shelter after the flood.
  6. enable vt. 使能夠
    The Internet enables people from different countries to exchange thoughts and ideas with each other.
  7. permanent a. 永久的
    The burns scarred Patrick's skin, leaving a permanent mark.
  8. adoption n. 收養,領養
    The couple couldn't have children of their own, so they chose to go with adoption.
  1. contestant n. 競爭者;選手
  2. fuel vt. 給……加燃料
  3. catnip n. 貓薄荷
  4. pal n.(口語)夥伴;好友

air 的相關用法

本文中 "......and Animal Planet airs these stories to encourage more pet adoptions." 中的 air 作動詞用,表『播出』之意。另外,air 作名詞使用時,表『空氣』,與之相關的片語有 be up in the air 和 be walking on air,表『尚未決定,懸而未決』及『欣喜若狂』。

The team's future is still up in the air.

I was walking on air when I learned I got the award.



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