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2013/12/30 第68期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

5 Things Successful CEOs Do Before 8 AM-

你有充分運用上班前的早晨時光嗎?美國雜誌Inc. Magaizne近期報導了幾位知名CEO的早晨作息,歸納出企業界成功人士早上八點前為一天所做的預備事項。
According to Inc. Magazine, morning people have been found to be more proactive and more productive. In addition, the health benefits for those with a life before work go on and on. Let’s explore 5 of the things successful people do before 8 am.

根據美國雜誌Inc. Magazine,晨型人通常較為積極並更有工作產能,此外,早起的生活型態對健康的好處自是不在話下。來看看業界成功人士在早上八點前做的五件事。

  1. Exercise. 運動。
    Exercising before work gives you a boost of energy for the day and that deserved sense of accomplishment.
  2. Map out your day. 規劃一天行程
    Maximize your potential by mapping out your schedule for the day, as well as your goals and to dos. The morning is a good time for this as it is often one of the only quiet times a person gets throughout the day.
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. 健康的早餐。
    Not only is breakfast good for your physical health, it is also a good time to connect socially.
  4. Visualize your day ahead of you. 把即將開始的一天形象化。
    Before you go to work, focus on the successes you will have through positive thinking.
  5. Map your day top heavy. 從最難的事情開始做起。
    Do the least desirable task on you to-do list first. Instead of anticipating the unpleasantness of it, get it out of the way! The morning is the time when you are generally better rested and your energy level is up. Therefore, you are better equipped to handle more difficult projects.


  1. The heavy rain destroyed their holiday.  大雨破壞了他們的假期。
  2. You have to make a clear difference between qualifications and experience. 你必須清楚分辨資歷和經驗之間的差別。
  3. John had a difficulty in getting in touch with Mary. 約翰要跟瑪莉聯絡上有困難。
  4. Is there sexual discrimination on women in your country? 你們國家是否對女性存有性別歧視?
  5. They will arrive at tomorrow night. 他們明天會到。


  1. The heavy rain spoilt their holiday.
  2. You have to make a clear distinction between qualifications and experience.
    當要表達以不同方式來看待A與B時,用draw/make a distinction。
  3. John had difficulties in getting in touch with Mary.
    有困難是have difficulty/difficulties (in) doing sth,不是a difficulty。
  4. Is there sexual discrimination against women in your country?
    對某團體存有歧視是discrimination against,而非discrimination on/for/about。
  5. They will arrive tomorrow night.
    "Today”、"Tomorrow”、"this afternoon” 等時間副詞前不必加介系詞。

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