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2014/07/25 第31期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 In China, Muffling An Open Forum/北京官方開始壓制開放的網路論壇
Online, the Angry Man Feels at Home/社群媒體最容易散播情緒 竟然是…
In China, Muffling An Open Forum/北京官方開始壓制開放的網路論壇
BEIJING — For the past few years, social media in China has been dominated by the Twitter- like Sina Weibo, a microblogging service that created an online sphere of freewheeling public debate, incubating social change and at times even holding politicians accountable in a country where traditional media outlets are severely constrained. But in recent months, Weibo has been eclipsed by the Facebook- like WeChat, which allows instant messaging within self-selected circles of followers.



The shift from public to semiprivate communication, accelerated by a government crackdown on Weibo, has reordered the social media landscape for the country’s 600 million Internet users, curbing what had been modern China’s most open public forum. “This is a new phase for social media in China,” said Hu Yong, a professor at Peking University. “It is the decline of the first largescale forum for information in China and the rise of something more narrowly focused.”



WeChat has its advantages and its defenders. It is less censored than Weibo, and some users say it allows them to speak more freely, knowing that their conversations are private.


In May, though, the government announced that WeChat would be more heavily monitored. Saying that instant messaging services were being used to spread “violence, terrorism and pornography,” the agency charged with policing the Internet said it would “firmly fight infiltration from hostile forces at home and abroad,” according to a government statement.


In its heyday, Weibo promised much more. It came to prominence in 2011 after a high-speed rail crash killed 40 people. Weibo users detailed the mayhem and government shortcomings that led to the accident. It was a signal moment in the Internet’s coming of age in China, a reminder of how the medium could challenge even an authoritarian government.


Weibo is still important.


Boundary-pushing news and commentaries are still more easily found there than in the more tightly controlled world of government news media. It reported in March that it had 66 million daily users, up 37 percent over a year earlier.


But government figures show that the overall number of microblog users, including those using Weibo , fell by 9 percent last year, with many migrating to WeChat.


“You can still find facts on Weibo, or news reports, but the comments aren’t as interesting or deep,” said He Weifang, a lawyer and onetime heavy blogger on Weibo with more than a million followers.


One reason is the government crackdown on the so-called Big V accounts — prominent commenters, with verified accounts, who often had millions of followers. After hundreds were detained, most stopped posting on Weibo.


Others quit because of the sharp tone of commentary on Weibo, which often devolved into nasty attacks. Some grew tired of the dizzying list of banned terms and the cat-and-mouse games with censors to evade them. WeChat seized on the frustration.


Its parent company, Tencent, claims 355 million monthly users. The company does not make public the number of daily users, making a comparison to Weibo difficult.


Activists say WeChat allows them to dig deeper into issues with like-minded people. The veteran environmentalist Li Bo has used WeChat for more than two years to rally opposition to damaging infrastructure projects, such as a plan to dam the Nu River.


WeChat has built-in constraints that hobble its ability to replicate Weibo’s public sphere. WeChat allows the creation of public accounts that anyone can follow, but limits posts to one a day. In addition, access to public accounts is not possible on cellphones, making it more difficult, for instance, to launch an incriminating photo of a public official into the blogosphere.


Comments are also deleted after a few days, erasing a historical record. The government also monitors these accounts and recently deleted some covering social news and politics.


Still, WeChat remains a powerful tool for activists, even if Weibo’s promise of an open online society has been frustrated.


Hu Jia, who has worked on environmental causes for 15 years, said the advent of social media, despite its limitations, had produced a better-informed society. “Weibo and WeChat are gifts from God,” he said. “Despite all the government surveillance, the benefits we get are even greater for people trying to organize society.”


Online, the Angry Man Feels at Home/社群媒體最容易散播情緒 竟然是…
You don’t need to click for long to encounter Internet outrage.


Log in to a social network and you’ll find it directed at celebrities and civilians alike. Then there’s the bigger game: courts of law, social movements, news media outlets, corporations and governments that annoy people. As an overused joke goes on Twitter, “What are we angry about today?”


Angry comments have long been part of Internet culture, as any insult-filled comments section or chat room shows.


But the last few years have seen this anger proliferate in social media, where people proclaim their ethical outrage.


A 2013 study, from Beihang University in Beijing, of Weibo, a Twitter-like site, found that anger is the emotion that spreads the most easily over social media. Joy came in a distant second. The main difference, said Ryan Martin, a psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, who studies anger, is that although we tend to share the happiness only of people we are close to, we are willing to join in the rage of strangers.


People prone to Internet outrage are looking for validation, Professor Martin said. “They want to hear that others share it,” he said, “because they feel they’re vindicated and a little less lonely and isolated in their belief.”


Internet outrage often says more about the commenter than the cause, and its deployment may do more harm than good, to the instigator and the issue.


In another 2013 study, Professor Martin determined that people susceptible to Internet rage tend to be angrier.


“They expressed their anger less healthily, in maladaptive ways,” he said. “People who rant online in any way tend to get into more physical and verbal altercations.”


Outrage carries a different flavor from pure anger; it suggests an affront to one’s value system as opposed to fury. So whereas a venomous insult from an anonymous commenter simply seeks to tear down another person or institution, an outraged Twitter post from an identified account calls attention to the user’s own probity.


By throwing 140-character stones from our Google glass houses, we preserve our belief that we are morally superior to those who have offended us.


The outraged may be enacting a defense mechanism reinforced by the culture of Internet ire. When you’re upset , it’s difficult to be counterattacked for your ethical injury. To state one’s outrage is to insulate oneself from criticism.


But such responses can overshadow the complexity of a subject, rather than opening up a thoughtful debate.


Furthermore, outraged comments are sometimes more offensive than the originating misconduct.


Mobs breed a sense of anonymity, and in the midst of trending Twitter outrage, Professor Martin said, “you may feel anonymous, even if you’re not really.”


Ultimately, Internet outrage is a way to protest by tapping and clicking rather than boycotting and marching. It is a noble endeavor to become incensed about a cause and risk arrest or toil without acclamation for one’s deeply held beliefs. Less honorable is joining a digital attack as a means of propping up one’s ego.


Perhaps the real problem, Professor Martin suggested, isn’t our rage but our rashness .


“The Internet exacerbates impulse-control problems,” he said. “You get mad, and you can tell the world about it in moments before you’ve had a chance to calm down .”



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