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2014/08/22 第35期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 New Doubts Are Cast On ‘Hobbit’ Species/哈比人存在?科學家找到新疑點
Behind a Global Drop in Health Care Costs /全球醫療支出降低的原因
New Doubts Are Cast On ‘Hobbit’ Species/哈比人存在?科學家找到新疑點
A discovery in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores, reported 10 years ago, moved one scientist to hail it as “the most important find in human evolution for 100 years.”

The fragmentary bones, but only one full skull, of several individuals led the discoverers to conclude that these were remains of a previously unknown extinct species of humans.


The Australian and Indonesian scientists named the species Homo floresiensis. Some call ed these unusually small people, who had apparently lived on the island as recently as 15,000 years ago, the hobbits.

It was mystifying that people with brains apparently no larger than a chimpanzee’s, one-third that of modern Homo sapiens, would have been capable of making the stone tools found in the cave around them.

Further, was a single skull sufficient evidence of a distinct human species? How could the Flores skull be proved normal and not that of a modern human with a growth disorder ?


Now the skeptics have revived the debate with papers published this month in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. One article points out what are said to be flaws in the original reports ; the other describes evidence suggesting the individual was born with Down syndrome.


Among the flaws, the critics say, were underestimates of the stature and the brain size of the most complete skeleton, designated as LB1, from Liang Bua Cave. In their view, LB1’s stature was a little more than 1.2 meters tall, not one meter, as in the original estimate. New measurements of the brain size were also larger.


The authors of the first journal paper — Robert B. Eckhardt and Alex S. Weller of Penn State University, Maciej Henneberg of the University of Adelaide, in Australia, and Kenneth J. Hsu of the National Institute of Earth Sciences in Beijing — concluded that the defining features of the specimen as originally described “do not establish the uniqueness or normality necessary to meet the formal criteria for a type specimen of a new species.”


Dr. Henneberg and Dr. Eckhardt were the lead author and co-author of the Down syndrome hypothesis . Based on a re-examination of the evidence, the y said the revised dimensions of the LB1 cranium and femur fell in the range predicted for an individual with Down syndrome from that region .

The larger size estimate also matches that of some people today on Pacific islands.


The scientists also pointed to a left-right mismatch of facial features as being characteristic of people with Down syndrome, one of the most common developmental disorders in humans. They noted that it occurred in more than one human birth per 1,000.

Other scientists who tended to accept the new-species interpretation have rejected what they call the “sick hobbit hypothesis.”



Searches have failed to yield more skulls, needed to determine if LB1 is one of a kind or one of an extinct human species . Until then, Dr. Eckhardt said, the new analysis yielded a “less strained explanation” than adding a branch to the human family tree.


Behind a Global Drop in Health Care Costs /全球醫療支出降低的原因
We tend to think of health care as a local good. Most people use the doctor or hospital in their neighborhood. China does not export medical care. Health and life spans differ from country to country, even region to region.


But when it comes to health care spending, the picture is starting to look more global.


After decades when health spending in the United States grew much faster than it did in other Western countries, a new pattern has emerged in the last two decades. And it has become particularly pronounced since the economic crisis. The rate of health cost growth has slowed substantially since 2000 in every high-income country, including the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany and Switzerland, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.


“We used to be different,” said Louise Sheiner of the Brookings Institution in Washington, “Since about 1990, we’ve looked about the same.”


The synchronized slowdown offers reasons to be skeptical about neat explanations for the trends in any one country, be it local changes in medical practices or various attempts to slow cost growth. The slowdown has also reduced budget pressures around the world.


What’s behind the pattern? Economic growth around the industrialized world has been slow for much of the last decade, and the aging of the population in much of the world has created fiscal pressures to rein in health spending. But these economic and political forces – which in turn leave governments and households with less money to purchase medical care – do not appear to be the only causes.


The world’s health-care systems are also converging in important ways. New drugs and medical advances, which were once adopted locally and spread more slowly, are now experiencing international launches. Medical technology companies are increasingly global, and seeing regulatory approval in many markets at once. Strategies that can reduce the need for expensive hospital stays, such as performing surgeries in outpatient clinics, are expanding around the world.


Two recent papers highlighted the trend. One in The Journal of the American Medical Association compared the United States with countries in the O.E.C.D. Its author, David Squires of the Commonwealth Fund, a New York health care research group, concluded that the similarities in spending growth suggested that “the factors that stimulated the slowdown in the United States also affected other industrialized countries.”


The other paper, from the O.E.C.D., found that what really differentiates the United States from other countries is the high prices we have long paid for medical care, not differences in how doctors are treating their patients.


The economic crisis drove down demand for new medical services, as people lost their jobs and coverage, or simply decided to put off elective procedures like knee replacements. Tougher times also led to policy tightening by federal and state officials – and employers, who have increasingly moved from generous health insurance plans to those that expose their workers to more out-of-pocket costs.


Expanded health insurance in the United States included new people, but it also cut back on spending, much of it from lower reimbursements to hospitals and insurers.


At the same time, the development of new expensive medical technologies has slowed for a decade or so. In the pharmaceutical market, many big blockbuster drugs lost their patent protection, and few expensive, mass-market medications have come to replace them.


Many of these same forces affect other countries. They also had fewer new drugs, devices and procedures to adopt. And their economies were slammed by the global recession.


Other countries also have political mechanisms to reduce spending. Most countries have aggressive regulatory systems that allow government officials to tamp down health spending directly when times get tough.


Still, the similarities among countries are not the same thing as destiny. Peter Orszag of Citibank said, “Health care slowed down here and it slowed down there, and that doesn’t mean it’s all entirely cyclical.”



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