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2014/10/24 第44期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Leading a New Wave o f Caribbean Writers/馬隆.詹姆斯 加勒比海新潮作家領袖
To Live Life, or Record It? A Question for iPhone Age/祈禱或紀錄? 瀕死前的手機自拍
Leading a New Wave o f Caribbean Writers/馬隆.詹姆斯 加勒比海新潮作家領袖
The novelist Marlon James grew up in Jamaica in the 1970s, which means he has a child’s memories of that politically turbulent and culturally fertile period. But as an adult, he keeps circling around that time and place in his mind, trying to make sense of what he could perceive only dimly then.


Out of that quest comes his third novel, “A Brief History of Seven Killings,” which begins as the optimistic glow of independence is giving way to the harsh realities of Cold War politics and the rise of gangs connected to the country’s two main political parties. Crack cocaine appears and the gangs go international, setting up operations in Miami and New York.


“The idea for this book is the very first I had, even before the other two novels, because I always was interested in writing about the Jamaica I grew up in,” Mr. James said. “I thought it was going to be a short novel, that it was one person’s story. But I was wrong, because history is always shaping everything.”


At 43, Mr. James is part of a new generation of Caribbean writers whose main cultural reference, aside from their home countries, is the United States rather than their former colonial power (in Jamaica’s case, Britain).


Mr. James calls himself a “post-postcolonial writer” with a hybrid intellectual background. So while he read Shakespeare and Henry Fielding in school, he noted, he also listened to Michael Jackson ; his novel makes references to Andy Gibb’s “Shadow Dancing.”


“Our sense of what it means to be a real Caribbean person is much more expansive, fluid and complicated” than that of earlier generations, said Nicholas Laughlin, a Trinidadian writer and critic . “Marlon is a writer who not only makes a mess of those boundaries and definitions, he totally obliterates them. ”


The plot of “Seven Killings” revolves around the assassination attempt on Bob Marley in December 1976 . Marley is called simply the Singer in the novel, Mr. James said, because his persona risked overwhelming the novel, which is just under 700 pages.


“I needed him more to hover over the book, as opposed to being in the middle of it,” he explained. He said he found a solution when he read Gay Talese’s Esquire magazine article “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold,” which focuses on the circle around that singer. Another help was Roberto Bolano’s novel “The Savage Detectives,” which Mr. James described as “a very conscious template.”


Characters based on real-life people, including Cuban exiles and their C.I.A. handlers, play central roles in the novel. Jamaican politicians like the rival former prime ministers Michael Manley and Edward Seaga are very much present, too, along with leaders of the “garrisons,” the communities and criminal militias that their parties controlled.


Mr. James warns, though, that “if you are going to read this as history, you’re bound to be disappointed and confounded.” A lot of the novel, he said, is “just me being a trickster.”


But he does remember overhearing as a child some of the stories he incorporates into the novel. His mother was a police detective and his father a police officer who became a lawyer, “so the world of crime and politics and disturbances was always around,” he said .


A few years ago, Mr. James said, a European interviewer began a question to him with “as someone who escaped the ghetto. …” He remembers objecting: “I grew up in the suburbs, like every other kid in every other part of the world. We had two cars, and we argued about things like ‘Is “T. J. Hooker” better than “Starsky & Hutch?” ’ ”


To Live Life, or Record It? A Question for iPhone Age/祈禱或紀錄? 瀕死前的手機自拍
JetBlue Flight 1416 was just minutes into its trip from Long Beach, California, to Austin, Texas, on Sept ember 18 when Scott Welch, a passenger in Seat 5A, heard a suspicious pop. Moments later, smoke began to fill the cabin, clogging the air to the point that he could see only a few rows in front of him, he said. The starboard engine of the Airbus A320, he soon learned, had blown.


As other passengers began to cry, and pray, he strapped on his oxygen mask and pondered his fate. “I understood that I might be going to meet God,” Mr. Welch, 34, recalled. He thought, “If this is my time, this is my time.”


Faced with his own mortality, he could have closed his eyes in quiet reflection. Instead, Mr. Welch, a sports photographer, responded in a distinctly 2014 manner: He reached for his Samsung Galaxy Note 3 smartphone, thrust it into the murky air and pressed the record button. He even found the presence of mind to record a smiling selfie.

面臨死亡,他大可閉目靜靜回顧人生。身為運動攝影師的威爾許卻做出2014年式的反應:拿出三星Galaxy Note 3智慧手機,高舉至煙霧瀰漫的空氣中,按下錄影鍵。他甚至有心情自拍笑容。

Never mind that the plane landed safely , making the mechanical failure a relative nonevent. The pulse-quickening, you-are-there footage captured by Mr. Welch and other passengers helped propel the story to national news. Mr. Welch’s two brief videos, meanwhile, went viral; one attracted more than one million views.


It is no longer enough to record seemingly every moment of life with your smartphone, it seems. Near death is fair game, too.


Thanks to the Personal Video Industrial Complex — tens of millions of video-enabled smartphones, feeding countless hours daily to video-sharing behemoths like YouTube — rock concerts, presidential inaugurations, school plays and even midair near disasters can all be considered “content” now, inspiring us all to record the event for posterity.


But even as publ ic gatherings, from the world-historical to the intimate, evolve into a sea of glowing blue screens, a backlash has started to take root. An assortment of critics — mindfulness gurus, twee indie rockers, even, seemingly, Pope Francis — have started to implore these armchair videographers to drop their phones and start living again.


To live the moment or record the moment? It’s become a defining issue of the iPhone age.


“Is it more important that we actually live these experiences than obsessively record and upload them to the cloud?” asked William Powers, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab and author of “Hamlet’s BlackBerry: Building a Good Life in the Digital Age.” “Absolutely. Will most people therefore learn to be more in-themoment and swear off excessive pictures and videos? I doubt it.”


For news obsessives, such talk might conjure images of the viral Vatican shots after Pope Francis’s election in 2013. The images, posted to social media by NBC News, purported to show a contrast between the relatively phone-free crowd in St. Peter’s Square that greeted Pope Benedict XVI’s election in 2005 and the thousand-points-of-smartphonelight that greeted Pope Francis .


True, the story turned out to be a bit more complicated. As The Washington Post later reported, the “before” shot was actually from the funeral procession of Pope John Paul II, a setting where smartphone use would seem inappropriate. Even so, the “after” shot proved indelible, perhaps even to the pontiff himself.


As with any discussion involving social media, it’s easy to write off the phenomenon as a pandemic of narcissism. We live in a culture, after all, that can support a Tumblr called Selfies at Funerals, filled with precisely that.


Academics have made that connection. A 2013 study by Jean W. Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University, and two colleagues, looked at more than 760,000 American books published between 1960 and 2008. It found that first-person plural pronouns (“we,” “us”) declined by 10 percent, while first-person singular pronouns (“I,” “me”) increased 42 percent. To Professor Twenge, an author of a 2009 book called “The Narcissism Epidemic,” this is part of the same societal shift. “That’s what video is: It’s my experience,” Professor Twenge said.


She might get little debate from Mr. Welch, the JetBlue chronicler .


“I sound hypocritical because of what I did,” Mr. Welch said, but he said he finds the widespread obsession to upload to the web every random moment in life “a little extreme.” Still, he realizes that there are reasons beyond vanity to reach for your phone .


“I was considering the fact that my family might not see me again,” he said. “After I started filming, that’s why I turned it on myself.” He added: “I wanted my family to see me smile.”



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