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2015/03/06 第62期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Success Is Not Just About Smarts/不光靠智力 性格為成功關鍵
Self-Portraits That Some Museums Have Deemed Unfit/博物館:歡迎自拍,神器就別來了!
Success Is Not Just About Smarts/不光靠智力 性格為成功關鍵

Technology has been promoted as the great equalizer in education. Initiatives like One Laptop Per Child and Massive Online Open Courses were supposed to democratize learning, but when the $400 laptops given to poor children around the world broke, and failure rates of some MOOCs were as high as 75 percent, reality set in.


Though many believe that computers can shrink the education gap, research shows that giving students from poor families online access is more likely to widen the divide, Susan Pinker reported in The Times. Jacob Vigdor and Helen Ladd, economists at Duke University in North Carolina, tracked a million disadvantaged middle-school students for five years after they were given networked computers and found “ a persistent decline in reading and math scores,” they wrote. The scores of boys and African- Americans dropped drastically because many used their machines to play games, surf social media and download entertainment.



The same thing happened in the One Laptop project, with children spending less time on their homework than before, researchers found. New findings suggest that educators should focus more on low teacher-student ratios, early intervention and character traits.

Chicago has introduced an intensive program where black and Latino boys work two on one with a tutor, and participants have ended up as much as two years ahead of students who haven’t gotten help, David Kirp wrote in The Times. This math success also has put them on track to graduate, helped them engage in school and made them less likely to be arrested for a violent crime.



Many programs address the time between birth and age 3, but the teen years may be just as important. Laurence Steinberg, a psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia, points out in his new book that neuroscientists have realized that adolescence, like early childhood, is a “period of tremendous ‘neuroplasticity,’ ” during which the brain changes through experience.

The Times’s Nicholas Kristof wrote that early help for disadvantaged children not only reduces inequality but also can save public money. He quoted James Heckman, a University of Chicago professor and Nobel Prize-winning economist, who says the cheapest way to reduce crime is to invest in early childhood programs. Mr. Heckman has calculated that to get the same reduction in crime by adding police officers would cost five times as much.



“Early education” includes counseling at-risk pregnant women not to drink, smoke or take drugs, and then after birth, helping them breast-feed and read to the child. These help, Mr. Kristof wrote, “apparently because the first few years are the window when the brain is forming and when basic skills like self-control and grit are developed.”

At some schools, grit, self-control and curiosity are now part of the curriculum. Scientists say personality could be more important than intelligence when it comes to success in school.



Arthur E. Poropat, an Australian psychology professor, cites data showing that a tendency to be “diligent, dutiful and hardworking,” and qualities like creativity and curiosity, are more predictive of student performance than intelligence. This is good news, Dr. Poropat wrote in a paper last year, because “personality has been demonstrated to change over time to a far greater extent than intelligence.”

“We probably need to start rethinking our emphasis on intelligence,” he told The Times.



Mandy Benedix, who teaches a class on grit at Rogers Middle School in Pearland, Texas, told The Times: “We know that these noncognitive traits can be taught. We also know that it is necessary for success. You look at anybody who has had long-term sustainable success, and every one of them exhibited at some point this grit, this tenacity to keep going.”


Self-Portraits That Some Museums Have Deemed Unfit/博物館:歡迎自拍,神器就別來了!

In a famous lab trial, a chimp put two interlocking sticks together and pulled down an elusive prize, a bunch of bananas hanging just out of arm’s reach.

Nearly a century later, eager tourists have conducted their own version of the experiment. Equipped with the camera extender known as a selfie stick, they can now reach for flattering selfies wherever they go.



Art museums have watched this development nervously, fearing damage to their collections or to visitors, as users swing their sticks with abandon. Now they are taking action. One by one, museums across the United States have been imposing bans on using selfie sticks inside galleries .

The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington prohibited the sticks in February, and in New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art decided that it, too, will forbid selfie sticks.



“It’s one thing to take a picture at arm’s length, but when it is three times arm’s length, you are invading someone else’s personal space ,” said Sree Sreenivasan, the Met’s chief digital officer.

The personal space of other visitors is just one problem. The artwork is another. “We do not want to have to put all the art under glass,” said Deborah Ziska of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, which has been quietly enforcing a ban on selfie sticks but is in the process of adding it formally to its printed guidelines for visitors.



There’s also the threat to the camera operator, intent on capturing the perfect shot and oblivious to the surroundings. “If people are not paying attention in the Temple of Dendur, they can end up in the water with the crocodile sculpture,” Mr. Sreenivasan said.

Generally, the taking of selfies is encouraged. Art museums long ago concluded that selfies help visitors bond to art and create free advertising for the museum.



When Katy Perry dropped by the Art Institute of Chicago’s Magritte exhibition last summer and took a selfie in front of Grant Wood’s “American Gothic,” the museum reaped a publicity windfall after the image was posted on Pinterest.

The Whitney Museum of American Art, at its Jeff Koons retrospective last year, passed out cards proclaiming, in capital letters, “Koons Is Great for Selfies! ” and urged visitors to post their work on Instagram.




So, selfies good; sticks bad. But bad in theory , since many museum officials in the United States say they have experienced few instances of selfie-stick use . Meanwhile, at the Tate Modern and the National Gallery in London, and the Louvre in Paris — two cities where Asian tourists, in particular, have made the selfie stick a highly visible part of the urban landscape — selfie sticks are still permitted.


In the spirit of scientific inquiry, Mr. Sreenivasan took a selfie stick with him on recent trips to the United Arab Emirates and Europe, where he saw, with alarm, thickets of selfie sticks at tourist attractions and museums.

“If it turned out that the selfie stick served some great purpose, we would defend it,” he said. “But it does not.”




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