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2013/05/20 ²Ä122´Á¡ý­q¾\/°h­q¡ý¬Ý¾ú¥v³ø¥÷¡ýª½±µ­q¾\ 
Presenting Kaohsiung Korean International School and Principal Kim Jin Sub
¡iEnglish translation: Peng Hsin-yi¡FPhotos by Hou Ya-ting¡j

Kaohsiung Korean International School has been in operation for fifty-one years. It is an indispensible pillar for the local Korean community and offers excellent education for Korean children that reside in Kaohsiung. Although the campus is not very big, it is nicely designed and well kept. The school's principal is Kim Jin Sub, and currently there are twenty students enrolled in the regular afternoon program which offers classes for students ranging from first to sixth grade.

In the morning, the students attend regular classes at regular Taiwanese elementary schools and study alongside Taiwanese classmates. Then from 1:00 to 5:30 pm they go over to the Korean school where they continue their classes in Korean. They also learn about their traditional Korean culture and heritage.

The Korean school also offers classes on Saturdays, granting students who are unable to attend during the week, an opportunity to learn Korean. The regular afternoon program includes courses in Korean language, cultural education and samul nori (Korean music played on a set of four percussion instruments). They also teach the students about Korean festivals such as "Kimchee Day", when children learn how to make the Korea's national food. The curriculum was carefully designed to provide a practical and fun education.

Principal Kim began working at the Korean school four months ago and was very excited about moving Kaohsiung. He believes it is very important for children to maintain a good understanding of their native culture. He encourages students to come and see him in his office at anytime. Although he hasn't been in Kaohsiung for very long, he likes Kaohsiung's mild autumn and winter. He feels the people are very welcoming and friendly. He enjoys a good quality of life in Kaohsiung, with its many parks and green areas. He feels the cost of living is reasonable. He particularly loves mangos and enjoys Taiwan's wide variety and quality fruits.

Although studying two languages and cultures is a tall challenge, Mr. Kim has never heard any children complain. He admits, it is usually the parents that have concerns about the children's heavy workload. However, Principal Kim believes the most important things to remember when working in a cross-cultural environment, is maintaining a positive attitude, keeping an open mind and accepting the local culture's unique characteristics. He also believes language is the key to connecting cultures. Language is useful for blending in with other cultures, so he plans to continue studying Mandarin and enjoying a great in-depth experience in the local culture.

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