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2019/10/21 第291期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Sizihwan Bay
活動快遞 【2019來觀光吧!魅力高雄】首屆海線映像攝影比賽來嘍!

Sizihwan Bay

◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎Photos by Chen Jun-ting, MOOK ◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao

 Sizihwan Bay is located on Kaohsiung's west side. Well-known for its sandy beaches and picturesque coral reefs, it also boasts some of Kaohsiung's most famous tourist spots, such as Shoushan and National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall. It is also famous for its shaved ice dessert, which is particularly satisfying during Kaohsiung's hot summers. Sizihwan is also a popular place to watch ships come and go and enjoy Kaohsiung's spectacular sunsets.

 National Sun Yat-sen University is also located in Sizihwan. It is a great campus to take a stroll and enjoy the stunning sea and mountain views. Its beach is also a great place to relax. Visitors can find a lot of things to do there, as it offers nature walks, beaches and numerous places of interest. When in Kaohsiung, Sizihwan should be top of the list of places to see.

※Former British Consulate at Dagou

 Built in 1865, the Former British Consulate at Dagou overlooks Sizihwan beach and Kaohsiung's harbor. The red brick British colonial style architecture is one of Kaohsiung's second-class historical sites. The city government recently renovated the more than a century-old historical building, which now offers more spots for visitors to enjoy Kaohsiung's beautiful sunsets and breathtaking views. It is a great place to travel back in time and experience several periods of the nation's history.

 Inside the historical building, visitors can view historical documents, photographs, artwork and other artifacts. The typically British architecture showcases traditional fireplaces in the dining room, studio, bedrooms and basement. Wax statues illustrate how the people had traditionally lived there, with exhibits of top British officials negotiating contracts with the Chinese. The wax figures provide visitors a realistic experience through the regions’ history.

※Big Bowl Shaved Ice Shop

 Shaved ice is a tasty treat during Kaohsiung's hot summers. Big Bowl offers extra-large bowls of traditional style shaved ice. There are many toppings to choose from, including cantaloupe, watermelon, mango, peach, tomato, banana, pineapple and passion fruit. Its signature bowl and most popular selection is the Mango Shaved Snow Ice. Mangos are always in season during the summer and since they are grown locally they are fresh, juicy, sweet and delicious. Sizihwan Big Bowl is the city's most renowned shaved ice shop.



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