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2022/12/12 第352期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Kaohsiung’s Turkish and Croatian Restaurants
活動快遞 2022年12月藝文活動月刊
Kaohsiung’s Turkish and Croatian Restaurants
◎Written by Li Siao-ping
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Carter
As Kaohsiung becomes more multicultural, there have been an increasing number of eateries featuring international cuisines. This article highlights a visit to Kaohsiung’s Turkish restaurant and Taiwan’s only Croatian restaurant.
Taksim Turkish Cuisine
Senay was the head chef of a restaurant in his native country Turkey. He opened Taksim Turkish Cuisine in Kaohsiung where he serves meals cooked to order and makes the dough by hand. Dishes are all made fresh daily and flavored with delicious Turkish spices. It is a great place to enjoy this unique cuisine and authentic cultural ambiance.  

Kebabs, doner kebabs, flavored roasted beef balls, and wraps are made with spices such as Fennel, mint, paprika, chili powder, cinnamon, pepper, etc., and served with green salad and Pide bread for dipping. They are common to Turkish cuisine and served with traditional drinks, such as Ayran yogurt drink.
Other popular dishes include savory Pide dipped in tomato sauce and Iskender Chicken. These delicious meals combine tomato or thick cheese sauces and are flavored with Turkish spices. The restaurant also offers Cheese Beef Pide, seasoned with unique spices and comes with a salad and savory yogurt sauce. A good way to finish the meal is with a cup of sweet Turkish coffee.  
Sasa Croatian Kitchen
Chef Sasa Medved is from Slavonia, located inland in the northeastern part of Croatia. Sasa specializes in Croatian cuisine and other popular Eastern European meals, which feature a variety of grilled, stewed, and ground meat dishes.  
Sasa's hand-made signature sausages come from a generations-old family recipe. In Taiwan, he uses local black pork mixed with Croatian spices and squeezed into natural hog casings. The juicy roasted sausages have a mouthwatering aroma. His Slavonian stew is a traditional dish that is enjoyed at family gatherings. It is made with venison, beef, wild boar meat, lamb, and onions. The meats are mixed with paprika and then put on to simmer in a large pot. The tender, tasty meat is served in a slightly spicy soup. This rich and flavorful comfort food keeps people coming back for more.  
Taksim Turkish Cuisine 塔克辛土耳其料理
Address: 1F, No. 53, Lincyuan St., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City
Phone: 0905-126075
FB:Taksim Turkish Cuisine
Sasa Croatian Kitchen 莎曉克羅埃西亞廚房
Address: No. 83, Guangming St., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City
Phone: 0900-140263
Website: https://www.croatian.com.tw/index.php/tw/


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