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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2022/05/04 第759期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份











A TCM Prescription for Covid

Taiwan’s NRICM101

NRICM101 is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) developed in Taiwan to treat Covid-19, and is the first TCM formulation to be legally sold in more than 50 nations. Given Covid’s transmissibility, the still growing number of confirmed cases around the world, and the inexpensiveness of NRICM101 relative to Western medicines, the multi-target drug has the potential to be a Covid remedy for the whole planet.












In 2020, the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine (NRICM) came up with the formulation for NRICM101 and embarked on a program of research while also pursuing licensing of the formula to manufacturers. The institute subsequently authorized eight GMP-certified TCM drug makers to produce and sell the formulation. Overseas markets caught wind of NRICM101 early, triggering a buying frenzy that saw acupuncturists, doctors of Chinese and Western medicine, and Chinese communities in Europe and the US enthusiastically sharing information both on the product’s efficacy and on where to purchase it.

The reason for NRICM101’s unusual progress from development in Taiwan, to sales abroad, and then back again to Taiwan was that Taiwan was managing the pandemic quite well in early 2020. NRICM director Su Yi-chang initially decided not to distribute it domestically because, given that we weren’t struggling with Covid when the formulation was finalized in late January 2020, he anticipated little local demand for the product.

A broad solution

NRICM advanced its research on the formulation in early 2020. In April of that year, Tri-Service General Hospital treated a critically ill Covid patient in its care with a combination of Western and Chinese medicine. When the decoction that Su and the TCM department at the hospital prescribed proved effective, with the consent of patients and of doctors in the infectious disease department and patients, they began to provide complementary TCM treatments to other Covid patients at the hospital. Their efforts resulted in a dozen or so patients being cured and released from the hospital, providing an initial clinical demonstration of the effectiveness of NRICM101.

With the emergence of a major outbreak of Covid-19 in Taiwan in 2021, 15 hospitals and a NRICM research group created a platform for clinical trials. These institutions then conducted a study that ran from May to early August of that year and involved 524 patients, including more than 100 who were critically ill. The research found that patients given NRICM101 were 80% less likely to progress to serious illness than patients who did not receive the formulation. It further found that NRICM102, a variation on NRICM101, lowered the mortality rate of critically ill patients by more than 50%. 

NRICM101 is based on a 470-year-old TCM formulation known as jingfang baidusan, which NRICM adapted to address the variability of Covid-19 and its differences from SARS, as well as the preparation’s clinical performance. While some TCM practitioners argue for individualized treatment of every patient, Su notes that we are in the midst of a pandemic, and that doctors of TCM have long made broad use disease-specific formulations during epidemics as a means of treating people more quickly.



  中文文章 英文文章
  1. 清冠一號」先在海外聲名遠播,引發搶購熱潮,歐美針灸師、中西醫師與華人社團的群組,熱切地分享它的療效、哪裡可以買到等訊息。
    Overseas markets caught wind of NRICM101 early, triggering a buying frenzy that saw acupuncturists, doctors of Chinese and Western medicine, and Chinese communities in Europe and the US enthusiastically sharing information both on the product’s efficacy and on where to purchase it.


  • catch wind of 聽到…的風聲;得知…
    National newspapers caught wind of the controversy and covered the story.
  1. 為了克服吃中藥苦的難題,外國人吃中藥粉常是加入水中攪拌喝下。
    To get around these issues, foreign users often mix them with water.
  • get around 避開難題
    Can they get around without injuring themselves?



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