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2013/12/05 第38期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
本週課文 Should I Relocate? 我該搬家嗎?
英語達人 Q1: Have all of the employees __________ about the company's new vacation policy?

語文教室 【見機行事】的英文怎麼說?

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Should I Relocate? 我該搬家嗎?
Megan: Amber, How are things going overall? Have you decided on your next move after grad school?

Amber: Funny you should mention a move. Actually, I've decided to relocate to Denver. Brad, my boyfriend, got a job in Denver, so I'm going to move there too.

Megan: Let me be blunt. Are you contemplating marrying this guy?

Amber: I think about it. But we haven't known each other all that long. We need to spend more time together. That's why I want to be in the same city. I have to find a job anyway, so I'll just look in Denver.

Megan: You know, your situation could really affect your job search. Prospective employers usually want to know why you left your last job or moved to their area. Admitting that you followed a boyfriend sounds somewhat unstable. Some bosses might worry that if the relationship didn't work out, you'd leave your job and move back home.

Amber: I wouldn't do that. If that happens, I'll just play it by ear.

Megan: I'm just afraid if you leave everything here, you'll resent Brad if things don't work out.

Amber: True. I'll definitely think more about it before I commit to this move.





梅根:跟你說,你的情況真的會影響你找工作。潛在雇主通常想知道你為什麼離開上一份工作或是搬到他們那區。 承認你是跟著男友過來的,聽起來不太穩定。有些老闆可能會擔心如果戀情吹了,你會離職搬回家。






Q1: Have all of the employees __________ about the company's new vacation policy?
(A) been notified (B) who notify (C) are notifying (D) that notifies

Q2: Some time ago, Nancy and Paul __________ purchasing a new home in the suburbs.
(A) may contemplate (B) contemplated (C) are contemplating (D) contemplate




play it by ear 見機行事;隨機應變;根據情況需要來行動。造句:

• We're thinking about going to the movies this weekend, but we'll play it by ear.






【LINE每日英文】破百萬人! 想要英文一天比一天強,你加入了嗎?






(1) A (2) B


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