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¡i­^»y¾Ç²ßPlus¡j A Nation of Diversity
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Confessions of an OCD Sufferer
I’m Dave. I’m Dave. I’m Dave. Whoops, sorry about that. Looks like it happened again! My obsessive -compulsive disorder (OCD) sometimes makes me write things three times for good luck........more
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A Nation of Diversity ¬ü°ê¡G¥Á±Úªº¤jº²Äl

The United States is sometimes called a nation of immigrants. People from many different countries and races live there. It took centuries for the United States to become a multicultural society. And the country’s people did not come from all over the world at the same time. In fact, immigration to America happened in various stages.

After Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, many Europeans started to move to America. The first Europeans to come to America were English, Germans, Irish, Dutch, and French. Many Africans started coming as well. But they were slaves, so they were brought to America against their will.

Then, between 1880 and 1924, a second wave of immigrants poured into the United States. Many of these newcomers came from Southern and Eastern European countries, including Italy, Poland, and Russia. Since the late 1800s, Asian immigrants—people from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries—have streamed into the western United States.

While the first immigrants often spread out to rural areas, later immigrants concentrated in the cities. For instance, New York and Boston were homes to Italian and Jewish immigrants, the largest ethnic groups in the second wave of immigrants. Chicago was home to a mixture of many races and nationalities.

Today, the United States has citizens from almost every country. But not all nationalities have always gotten along with each other. Immigrants sometimes encountered discrimination. Early immigrants, such as English settlers, Irish, and Germans, shared much with English culture. However, later immigrants were very different. They spoke different languages and had different religions and customs. Some people who were already well settled disliked more poor newcomers arriving. As a result, social discrimination against blacks, Jews, Asians, and other ethnic groups continued into the 1900s.

However, the U.S. government passed laws to end discrimination in the 1960s. Now, all people are treated fairly no matter what race they are. So, most Americans live together in harmony.


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