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2014/09/05 第222期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「沒有比較級的形容詞」
【英語學習Plus】 艾可與納西塞斯(水仙) Echo and Narcissus
【本月發燒書】 超級英語閱讀訓練1
【好康情報局】 開學季Start!單書79折 套書75折

有些形容詞沒有比較級或最高級形式。拿correct 這個字來說,某事不是正確,就是不正確,沒有「更正確的」(more correct)或「最正確的」(most correct),因此correct 的「比較級和最高級」毫無意義。 這類形容詞在意義上表示「絕對的,無與倫比的」,由它們轉換成的副詞也沒有比較級和最高級。...more

<< 節錄寂天講堂「沒有比較級的形容詞>>
艾可與納西塞斯(水仙) Echo and Narcissus

There was once a beautiful nymph named Echo who loved her own voice. Echo spent her time in the forest and loved to be with Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. However, Echo had one problem: She was too talkative.

One day, Hera was looking for her husband Zeus, who was with a group of nymphs that dwelled in the woods. Zeus loved consorting with beautiful nymphs and often visited them. When Hera was about to find Zeus, Echo appeared and took her aside to distract her with a long and entertaining story until Zeus could escape. When Hera discovered what Echo had done, she punished Echo. She said, “You will no longer be able to speak except to reply. You will always speak only the last words you hear, and you will never speak first.” Thus, from that time, Echo could only repeat the last words of what someone said to her.

Later, Echo saw a handsome young man in the forest. His name was Narcissus, who was renowned for his beauty. She immediately fell in love with him and followed him around. She could not speak with him, so she secretly followed and watched him for days.

One day, Narcissus got lost in the forest and shouted out, “Is there anyone here?” and Echo replied, “Here.” Narcissus saw nobody, so he shouted, “Where are you? Come at hand.” Echo repeated, “Come at hand.” Narcissus went toward the voice. Echo, unable to restrain herself, showed herself and rushed to embrace the lovely Narcissus. But Narcissus pulled away from her and said, “Get away. I would rather die than be with you.” Echo responded, “Be with you.”

Narcissus turned and walked away. Poor Echo, grief-stricken, wandered through the forest alone. Eventually, she died of a broken heart, and her body transformed into a rock. The only thing that remained of her was her voice. She still cannotspeak first, but she is always ready to echo what someone else says.

As for Narcissus, he never loved anyone but himself because he was so vain. He ignored the other nymphs just like he had ignored Echo. But one rejected nymph prayed that Narcissus would fall in love yet not have his love returned. The prayer was answered by the goddess Nemesis.

While Narcissus was in a forest one day, he came upon a pool full of clear water. As he looked into it, he saw a beautiful face looking at him, and he immediately fell in love with his own reflection. He thought it was the image of a beautiful water nymph. He tried to kiss the image, but it always fled. Now Narcissus understood the desire and longing he had caused in others. He could not tear himself away from his own reflection, so he stared at it for many days. He neither ate nor drank, so he grew weak and thin. He died beside the pool. On the place where he died, there grew a lovely flower: the narcissus.

曾有一位美麗的女神叫艾可(Echo),她很迷戀自己的聲音, 而且閒暇時喜歡和森林裡的狩獵女神阿提米斯(Artemis)一同玩樂。但是,艾可有一個問題──她太喋喋不休了。






<< 本篇選自FUN學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文 ( 8 ) >>
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