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2021/05/28 第567期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 認識各式精油和芳香產品
【英語學習Plus】 原產地險消失 日本柴犬在台夯
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力滿分奪金演練:1000題練出黃金應試力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 2021寂天春季套書展 Let's Enjoy Masterpieces【二版】


Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
Eucalyptus Essential Oil 尤加利精油
Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil 伊蘭伊蘭精油
Rosemary Essential Oil 迷迭香精油
Tea Tree Essential Oil 茶樹精油
Peppermint Essential Oil 薄荷精油
Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
Bergamot Essential Oil 佛手柑精油
Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
Grapefruit Essential Oil 葡萄柚精油

aroma candle芳香蠟燭
aroma massage oil芳香按摩油
aroma lotion芳香乳液
aroma stick diffuser擴香
aroma sea salt芳香海鹽
aroma facial mask芳香面膜
aroma air diffuser 薰香
solid perfume 固體香精
aroma lamp薰香燈

────── 節錄寂天講堂「認識各式精油和芳香產品 」

原產地險消失 日本柴犬在台夯 Japanese Dog That Almost Disappeared Very Popular in Taiwan

A breed of dog that almost disappeared from Japan years ago is very popular in Taiwan.

The breed is known as the Shiba Inu. Owners of the dog say its size and behavior make it a good choice for people living in apartment buildings in busy cities.

Taiwan's Council of Agriculture says it does not keep records of how many Shiba Inus live on the island. However, one dog breeder sells four Shiba Inu puppies each month. A group for people who own the breed has about 60 members. The dogs are a common sight in parks and other open spaces in the capital, Taipei.

Lee Yu-tsung owns a pet store in the city of Taichung. He has a lot of praise for the Shiba Inu.

"They're easy to raise and their overall quality is strong," Lee said.

The Shiba Inu and other Shiba breeds have been popular in Japan since ancient times. Japanese tribes used them to hunt large and small animals.

But the American Kennel Club, a group for dog owners and breeders, notes that nearly all of Japan's Shiba Inu died off during World War II. Many were killed in bombing raids. Others died from distemper, a viral infection that can spread quickly among dogs.

The kennel club said that after the war, breeding programs helped increase the umber of Shiba Inu in Japan, where many now serve as "companion dogs."

The Shiba Inu is now considered a national treasure.

The Taiwan Shiba Inu Club reports that the dog breed started becoming popular on the island about five years ago. Lee Yu-tsung says the dogs are good-natured, do not have a strong smell, and are generally healthy. He said he sells puppies for between $390 and $820.

The Shiba's size also works well in Taiwanese apartment homes because they are smaller than a fully grown hunting dog, Lee noted. Larger apartments often house three generations of a family, leaving little room for a big dog. Couples may only have a small living space. The dogs rarely make noise, he added, reducing the risk of objections from neighbors.

"Because it's a smaller to medium-sized dog, basically the space where they're raised doesn't need to be very big, so this breed of dog therefore is quite suitable for keeping in the cities," Lee said.

The Shiba Inu is sometimes described as a cat-like dog. In other words, it is more independent and easier to care for than other breeds. The dogs are often compared to foxes because of their size and pointy ears.
















焦點英語閱讀 3:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 【三版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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