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2023/01/06 第651期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 認識新朋友
【英語學習Plus】 Japan's Master of Animation 日本動畫大師
【本月發燒書】 勇奪新制多益950:完整3回實戰演練+試題完全解密攻略【雙書附解析】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
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John: It's John, John Paine.

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Jim:Great party, isn't it?
Beverly:Yeah, really.
Jim:By the way, my name'sJimHarris.
Beverly:Nice to meet you. I'm Bev Marshall.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「認識新朋友」

Japan's Master of Animation 日本動畫大師

Tomoyuki Sugiyama, founder of Digital Hollywood and author of the book, Cool Japan, believes that Japan's culture of cute has evolved as a result of a love for natural harmony. To him, "the Japanese are seeking a spiritual peace and an escape from brutal reality through cute things." The very gifted animation film director Hayao Miyazaki exercises this modern global image better than anyone else. His fantasies are of profound, vibrant characters in carefully contrived stories, featuring anti-war and power-of-love themes, as well as being socially, politically, and environmentally conscious. Moreover, his characters are masterfully created, infused with his own style—not like the huge-eyed characters with brightly colored, wild hair that Japanese animation is famous for, but rather with more realistic proportions found in the country's traditional artistry.

Hayao Miyazaki's love of art helped shape his life. Born on January 5, 1941, in Tokyo, Japan, Miyazaki was raised in a nurturing family by two interesting parents: his father was director of Miyazaki Airplane, and his mother was an avid reader who doubted what was normally accepted by society. From his father, Hayao formed a love for aviation and expressed that love by drawing airplanes, thus cultivating his artistic talent.

Miyazaki's thoughtful upbringing helped fuel a long and illustrious career. Besides being a director and filmmaker of animated films, Miyazaki is a screenwriter, character designer, and co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a production company and animation studio. In 1999, Miramax, a subsidiary of Walt Disney Company, released his Princess Mononoke in the United States, which brought him outstanding recognition in the West. Additionally, Princess Mononoke garnered the highest revenue in Japan until Titanic was shown, and it was the first animation to win "Picture of the Year" at the Japanese Academy Awards. But his most memorable film by far was 2008's Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, which he drew freehand with watercolors rather than using computer generated imagery, thereby producing a delightful aesthetic effect. His greatest visual achievement, 2001's Spirited Away, won him the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film, Best Film at the Japan Academy Awards, and the 2002 Berlin Film Festival's First Prize.

After finishing The Wind Rises in 2013, Miyazaki announced his retirement from making films, but a mind this creative can’t remain inactive for long, and he is said to be working now on a new movie set for release in 2021.




 宮崎駿於2013年完成《風起》動畫後,宣布退休、不再拍片。但這樣一位創意鬼才不會甘於退隱過久的時間。有傳言指出,他已著手進行將於2021 年發行的新電影。





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