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2023/03/31 第662期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 購物
【英語學習Plus】 Getting to Know Vincent van Gogh 深入了解文森.梵谷
【本月發燒書】 高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力(16K +寂天雲隨身聽APP版)
【好康情報局】 ★ 新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】★


shop 購物
business hours 營業時間
sale 促銷;出售
shopping mall/center 購物中心
supermarket 超級市場
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★ Do you have it in a smaller size? 妳有較小件的??
S:Would you like to try on this T-shirt, miss?
小姐,您想試穿這件T 恤嗎?
J:Yes, please, but do you have it in a smaller size?
S:I'm afraid not. This is the smallest size we carry.

★ Where's the...section? 請問??區在哪裡?
A:Excuse me. Is your birthday cake promotion still on?
C:Yes, it is. All our cakes are 30 percent off this weekend.
A:Great! Where's the cake section?
C:It;s at the back of the store, past aisle 30.
在店內後方,過第30 架位處。

────── 節錄寂天講堂「購物」

Getting to Know Vincent van Gogh 深入了解文森.梵谷

Some people say that he was crazy. Others say that he was a genius. Whatever people think of him, there is no doubt that Vincent van Gogh was a great artist. His paintings sell for millions of dollars, and they can be seen in all of the top art galleries around the world. But behind all of this fame, there's an artist who had a very difficult life.

Vincent van Gogh was born in the Netherlands in 1853. He spent his early adult years working various jobs as an art dealer, a teacher, and a missionary. In 1880, he started painting. His life as a painter took him across Belgium and France. In his first 10 years as an artist, Van Gogh produced around 860 paintings and 1,300 drawings.

Van Gogh's paintings were never popular when he was alive. This meant that it was hard for him to earn any money. Throughout his life, he was supported by his brother Theo, who helped make sure that Vincent always had enough to eat.

This lack of success made Van Gogh depressed and anxious. In 1888, he famously cut off his ear after quarreling with another painter. After this incident, he spent some time in a mental hospital. Sadly, in the end his depression was too much to bear. He shot himself in the chest and died in 1890.

In his final letter to his brother, Van Gogh wrote that his paintings were like children to him. It wasn't long before the rest of the world started to notice them. After his death, Van Gogh became one of the most famous artists in history. Some of his best known paintings include Still Life: Vase With Twelve Sunflowers and The Starry Night.


文森.梵谷於1853 年生於荷蘭。成年後早期,曾任藝術品經銷商、教師和傳教士等各種工作。1880 年,他首執畫筆。以畫家維生的日子裡,他周遊了比利時與法國。在成為畫家的頭10 年,梵谷創作了將近860 幅油畫和1,300 幅繪畫作品。


懷才不遇的困境使梵谷變得憂鬱且焦慮。1888 年,他與另一位畫家爭執過後,做出了後人皆知的割耳舉動。這件事後,他還待在精神醫院一陣子。不幸的是,他最後無法承受憂鬱的情緒,在1890 年舉槍自盡。



高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力(16K +寂天雲隨身聽APP版)

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