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2014/12/18 第112期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Discove Taipei
The Ningxia Night Market APP – Experience a Taiwan Market Through the Cloud
The Ningxia Night Market APP – Experience a Taiwan Market Through the Cloud
文/Discover Taipei
Located near MRT Shuanglian Station (捷運雙連站), and nicknamed “Taipei’s stomach” by its fans, Ningxia Night Market (寧夏夜市) is one of the city’s finest night markets, and forms the origin of many well-known Taiwan snack. Always a place of innovation, it now embraces the cloud technology, becoming Taiwan’s first night market to have its own APP.

In the past, a visit to the market often entailed a hefty wait in lineups at your favorite food stands. To heighten visitors’ convenience, the Taipei City Government Department of Information Technology (臺北市政府資訊局) has helped develop a guide APP for the Ningxia Commercial District (寧夏商圈). After downloading it to your mobile device, you can check shop locations, telephone numbers, open hours, menus, and customer reviews, helping you pick out the places you’d like to go to before you head out. Some of the businesses are adopted the cloud-based POS (point of sale) system, enabling you to place your order digitally, thus saving valuable time.

Many vendors are offering downloadable discount coupons at different times, drawing in ever more hungry, happy foodies.

The new cloud support brings visitors increased browsing ease and convenience. Besides, the addition of digital ordering is also helping enhance food-service efficiency. At the moment, up to 141 street vendors have joined, providing the cloud-based service. The Department of Information Technology is using this APP as a model, promoting it among other major Taipei night markets.

As the weather in Taipei cools over the next few months, check out the BeLike APP – your guide to warming and delicious Ningxia Night Market traditional snack delicacies, via the wonders of cloud technology.

Ningxia Night Market 寧夏夜市

Location: Ningxia Rd., between Minsheng W. Rd. and Nanjing W. Rd. (寧夏路,介於民生西路與南京西路之間)

Transportation: From MRT Shuanglian Station (捷運雙連站), Exit 1, walk along Minsheng W. Rd. (民生西路) in direction of Chengde Rd. (承德路), approx. 15 minutes.

Website: ningxia.my.micloud.tw


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