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2011/08/08 第52期  
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At a Restaurant

What Would You Like?

Doug and Joanna are in a restaurant. They are looking over their menus.
J = Joanna, D = Doug, W = Waiter
J: Do you know what you're going to order?
D: I can't decide. Everything looks so good.
J: I've had the pasta stuffed with cheese and spinach before. It was great.
  (The waiter approaches their table.)
W: Are you ready to order?
J: We're having trouble choosing. What would you recommend?
W: Are you looking for something filling or do you want a lighter meal?
J: I don't want anything too heavy, so nothing fried for me. Also, I don't eat red meat.
W: This evening's special is a wonderful fish that is steamed with ginger and lemon. It's served with lemon rice and a garden salad.
J: That sounds delicious, and fish is so healthy. I'll go with that.
D: Can you tell me a little about your steak?
W: We choose only the best cuts of beef. They're rubbed with sea salt and some pepper and grilled over an open flame.
D: I'll take the steak and a baked potato, then. Oh, and can I get a side order of the sauteed mushrooms?
W: Certainly, sir. And how would you like your steak cooked?
D: Medium-rare, please.



喬安娜: 你知道你要點什麼了嗎?
道格: 我無法決定。每樣東西看起來都好好吃。
喬安娜: 我之前吃過裝滿起司和菠菜的義大利麵食。那很棒。
服務生: 您準備好要點餐了嗎?
喬安娜: 我們難以選擇。你會推薦什麼?
服務生: 您想找會有飽足感的東西還是要較好消化的餐點?
喬安娜: 我不想要任何太難消化的東西,所以不要油炸物。還有,我不吃紅肉。
服務生: 今晚的特餐是一道用薑和檸檬清蒸的美味魚肉菜餚。它會搭配檸檬風味飯和田園沙拉上菜。
喬安娜: 那聽起來很美味,而且魚肉很健康。我就點那道。
道格: 你可以告訴我一點關於你們牛排的事嗎?
服務生: 我們只選最好的牛肉切塊。它們用海鹽及一些胡椒搓揉並直接火烤。
道格: 那我要點牛排和一份烤馬鈴薯。喔,我可以點一份拌炒蘑菇當配菜嗎?
服務生: 當然沒問題,先生。您的牛排要幾分熟?
道格: 四分熟,謝謝。
  ( ※ 更多內容請至 Live 生活部落 http://golive.liveabc.com)
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