How Colors Affect Us
Colors are often used to describe emotions. For example, if you "feel blue," it means that you're sad. A person who "sees red" is angry, and someone who's "tickled pink" is happy about something. Besides expressing feelings, though, colors may also influence our actions.
In Japan, officials have put in blue lights around railroad platforms to discourage people from jumping in front of trains. As a result, certain stations with blue lights have seen an 84 percent drop in suicide numbers. Blue may also stop street crime. In Japan and Scotland, the number of neighborhood crimes fell after blue streetlights were placed in those areas.
Pink has been believed to prevent violence. In the United States, jail cells were painted this color to calm prisoners. In sports, some visiting teams have had to use all-pink locker rooms, which were meant to weaken the teams and make them lose.
Unlike pink, red may let you gain an upper hand in sports. In the 2004 Olympics, boxers who wore red were found to have a slightly higher chance of winning. Red is also believed to be the color of energy and power.