The Beauty of the Bard
—Rhett Straube
Generations of high school students have asked their teachers the same question: “Why do we have to learn Shakespeare?” The Bard, who would have turned 450 years old this year, continues to be taught in school. Why is the work of this sixteenth century playwright considered so important?
One of the reasons Shakespeare's work has endured is his use of themes that transcend eras and cultures. His plays, sonnets, and narrative poems deal with life and death, love and jealousy, and greed and revenge. For this reason, classics such as Romeo and Juliet, with its tale of forbidden love, and Hamlet, with its analysis of the morals of revenge, have been remade and adapted time and again in film and onstage.
Shakespeare's ability to create complex characters is another factor in the continued popularity of his work. Most dramatists of his age wrote plays with two-dimensional characters. Shakespeare, on the other hand, gave us insight into human psychology. While Macbeth struggles with his conscience after murdering people, King Lear loses his mind in his inability to recognize truth from appearance. Because of their complexity, these characters remain a constant challenge for students and actors to understand and interpret.