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2017/09/04第269期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Surprising Origins of Famous Foods
—Anastasia Avvakumova

Many foreign foods have been adopted by outside cultures around the world. But once flavors mix to create new dishes, it can be hard to determine who really invented them.

In America, General Tso's chicken is a popular fried dish in Chinese restaurants. It's famous for its sweet, sticky sauce. Although General Tso was from Hunan, the chicken that bears his name isn't famous there. Peng Chang-kuei, a Hunanese chef, invented the dish after he moved to Taiwan. Restaurant owners from New York tried Peng's dish in Taipei and then re-created it in the United States with a sweeter flavor.

Fortune cookies come at the end of the meal at American Chinese restaurants. They are simple, crunchy sweets with a paper fortune inside. Few people realize that the cookies have origins in Japan. In fact, a few families in Kyoto have been making similar treats by hand since the 19th century. From Japanese-owned Chinese restaurants in San Francisco, the cookies spread throughout America. However, they are still hard to find in China.


《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.197 9月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
silicone-grip mechanical pencil 果凍筆

forbid 禁止
luxury 奢侈品
confiscate 沒收
vanity 虛榮(心)
debate (表達不同觀點的)辯論、討論

There is a big debate as to whether the teacher should have confiscated the silicone-grip mechanical pencil.

a ballpoint pen 原子筆
a gel pen 中性筆
a fountain pen 鋼筆
a crayon 蠟筆
a mechanical pencil 自動鉛筆
a highlighter 螢光筆

2017/09/04(一) Few people realize that the cookies have origins in Japan.

2017/09/05(二) If you're hungry for a story, discovering some of their surprising origins can be just as fun!


They didn't have much, except their love for each other and their passion for art.

2017/09/07(四) She had been working in a laundry all along.
她之前一直都在一間洗衣店工作。 。

2017/09/08(五) It is thought of as the "longest building in the world."

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