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2018/02/05第280期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Petit Pil: A Solution to a Growing Problem with Clothes
—Andrew Crosthwaite

Young children grow quickly, which can be a wonderful thing to witness. Unfortunately, they also quickly outgrow their clothes, which isn't so wonderful. For parents, buying new, larger clothes can be expensive. Not only that, but all those new outfits are a huge waste of resources. But what if we had clothes that could grow along with the children who wear them?

A young engineer named Ryan Yasin has developed a new type of material with special folds that allow it to expand and contract. With his company, Petit Pli, he's used it to make clothing that fits children from 6 to 36 months old. Aside from being an economical choice, Yasin's clothes are also wind- and rainproof, and they can be machine washed like regular clothing without losing their folds.

Ultimately, Yasin hopes that his clothing will serve as a way to reduce the harm caused by the world's obsession with fast fashion. "Children are used outgrowing their clothes, but it doesn't have to be like that, " he says. "We can be more resourceful."

一位名叫萊恩.亞辛的年輕工程師發展出一種有特殊皺摺的新材質,使其可以伸縮自如。他利用自己的Petit Pli公司來製造六個月到三歲兒童都可以穿的服飾。亞辛的童裝除了是個經濟實惠的選擇,也可防風防水,而且可以像一般衣物一樣機洗而不會失去皺摺。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.202 2月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
Michelin Guide 米其林指南
繼其他指標城市後,有全球美食聖經之稱的米其林指南即將登台!米其林官方預計將於今年第一季出版The Michelin Guide Taipei(台北米其林指南),把台北美食介紹給全世界。
hit the shelves 上架
fine cuisine 精美佳餚
gourmet 美食家 / 美味佳餚的
valuable 很有價值的;有用的
inspection 檢查;視察
Michelin Guides list restaurants serving fine cuisine in various cities.
一星餐廳(very good cooking):擁有高品質的料理,值得一試
二星餐廳(excellent cooking):料理傑出,就算要繞路才能到也值得
三星餐廳(exceptional cuisine worth the journey):餐點卓越,為了它來趟旅行也心甘情願

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2018/02/06(二) The patterns on animals' bodies may certainly delight us humans.


Not only that, but all those new outfits are a huge waste of resources. 不只那樣,這些所有的新衣服也是龐大的資源浪費。

2018/02/08(四) Now, let's apply that idea to everything in the house.

2018/02/09(五) I want this place to be as organized as possible. We've already gotten rid of all the clutter, so the hard part is over.

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