Apple Flour: The Flour of the Future
White flour is used in everything from bread to cakes and cookies. But another type of flour made from apples, of all things, might be coming soon to a supermarket near you.
Called apple pomace flour, it’s made with the leftovers from apple juice production─seeds, stems, and pulp. To make it, the leftover bits, or pomace, are drained, pressed into a thin layer, and dried. Normally, these bits are either thrown out or fed to livestock. But the apple flour process transforms them into flour that contains about four times as much fiber as white all-purpose flour.
Fiber is important because it helps control blood sugar and can even help with weight loss. Unfortunately, on average, Americans only eat 15 grams of fiber a day, well short of the 28 to 34 grams suggested by experts.
Apple pomace flour’s health benefits and potential to reduce food waste could make it the flour of the future. So, go ahead, start baking . . . with the right flour, of course!
蘋果做麵粉 未來新趨勢? |
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.229 5月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 |
I'm watching you like a hawk.
我會監視你的一舉一動。 |
watch sb like a hawk 字面意思是「像老鷹一樣盯著某人看」,用來指監視某人,通常用來確保他們不做壞事。
• I’ll be watching you.
• I’ve got my eye on you.
• I’m keeping a close watch/eye on you.
A: Did you notice that our teacher was watching me like a hawk for the whole exam?
B: I did notice that. What’s that about?
A: I don’t know. It’s like he thinks I’m going to cheat or something.
B: That’s so unfair. You should stare back at the teacher and see how he reacts.
2020/5/11 (一) |
With a complex flavor that combines hints of ginger, lemongrass, and pepper, the fruit may be consumed either fresh, steeped in hot water to make tea, or dried, as a spice in cooking.
馬告果實具有結合了少許薑、檸檬草和胡椒的複雜氣味,可以現採、浸泡在熱水裡泡茶,或者曬乾作為烹調用的香料來食用。 |
2020/5/12 (二) |
The popularity of maqaw is good news for both local farmers and the environment.
馬告受到歡迎對當地農民及環境都是好消息。 |
2020/5/13 (三) |
Located off the southern coast of Spain, the island of Mallorca is often praised as one of the jewels of the Mediterranean.
馬略卡島位在離西班牙南部海岸不遠處,經常被譽為地中海的寶石之一。 |
2020/5/14 (四) |
Although Mallorca's beaches have been its main draw for many years, more recently, visitors have begun to appreciate the island's cultural attractions, too.
雖然馬略卡島的海灘多年來一直是它的主要景點,但最近,遊客也開始欣賞島上的文化景點。 |
2020/5/15 (五) |
Called apple pomace flour, it's made with the leftovers from apple juice production -- seeds, stems, and pulp.
它被稱作蘋果渣麵粉,是由生產蘋果汁的殘渣──種子、莖和果泥製成的。 |
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