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2020/07/13第354期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 精選套書 2套折$300
The Secret of How Bats Keep Viruses at Bay

You may have heard that bats are to blame for many disease outbreaks in recent years, including COVID-19 and SARS. But how exactly does a disease spread from bat to human? And with so many diseases coming from bats, you would think that bats would be sick all the time. It turns out this isn’t the case, and it’s likely because of the way that bats’ immune systems work.
Bats have very active immune systems to protect their cells from viruses. When a bat’s body detects a virus, a protein is released that sends a signal to the bat’s cells to keep the virus out. In response, viruses reproduce very quickly to try to get into the cells before this immune reaction triggers. Although the bats don’t get sick, these rapidly multiplying viruses can jump to animals with slower immune systems and can quickly cause serious infections.
At the same time, bats are great disease carriers. Bats live in large, crowded colonies—a perfect setting for viruses to spread. In addition, the average bat lives for around 30 years, which is a long time that an infected bat can spread the disease around its environment.


疾病,你可能會認為蝙蝠一直都在生病。結果並非如此,這很可能是因為蝙蝠免疫系統的運作方式。 蝙蝠有非常活躍的免疫系統來保護細胞免受病毒侵襲。蝙蝠身體偵測到病毒時,會釋放一種蛋白質向細胞發出信號以阻止病毒入侵。病毒會快速繁殖來回應,以設法在免疫反應觸發前進入細胞。雖然蝙蝠不會生病,但這些迅速繁殖的病毒會跳到免疫系統較慢的動物身上,並且可能迅速引發嚴重的傳染病。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.231 7月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

I have a frog in my throat.


have a lump in one's throat(因情緒影響)喉嚨哽塞、哽咽
stick in sb's throat(因害怕或生氣而)無法說出想說的話
whisk n. 打蛋器、手持攪拌器
be/get tongue-tied(通常是因緊張而)結巴的、舌頭打結的

A: Hey George, long time no see!
B: Hey Katie, it’s been too long.
A: Yeah. Sorry about my voice—I’m getting over a cold, and it feels like I have a frog in my throat every time I try to talk.
B: No worries. Try drinking some honey and lemon in hot water.

2020/7/13 (一)

Buildings over 20 stories tall didn't become commonplace until the invention of a safe passenger elevator in 1857.

2020/7/14 (二)

Even today, cities are building taller and taller skyscrapers in an attempt to lay claim to the world's tallest building.

2020/7/15 (三)

A recent study shows that our tummies get bored if they have too much of the same thing.

2020/7/16 (四)

Every actor's road to fame is different, but Dwayne Johnson's path has been one of the most unique.
每位演員的成名之路都不同,但德威恩• 強森走的路卻是其中最獨特的一條。

2020/7/17 (五)

Even though Johnson never made it as a professional football player, he never forgot his football days at his alma mater.


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