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2020/08/17第358期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 全民振興活動
As Graceful as a Swan? The Facts about Swans

Most people think of swans as graceful, romantic creatures. These beautiful birds have influenced countless works of art. Songs, ballets, and even sayings have been influenced by them. But do swans actually live up to their reputation?
Swans are seen as a symbol of love. It’s true that swans mate for life, but the reason for this is not their feelings for each other. Swan pairs stay together to increase the number of their young. Sticking together also helps swans stay safe and saves them the trouble of searching for a new partner every mating season. Maybe they aren’t so romantic after all.
The large, white birds are also described as graceful, which has given rise to the saying “as graceful as a swan.” Swans may look graceful as they float across the water, but they also have a mean side. Male swans are especially fierce when it comes to protecting their families. If threatened, a swan will usually stand up with its wings out and hiss. While this is mainly for show, it’s still best not to bother swans.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.232 8月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

rove beetle


   toxin  n.  毒素
     crush v.  壓碎
     painful adj.  疼痛的
   inflammation n.  發炎、炎症
     irritation n.  發炎、輕微疼痛

A rove beetle is a small insect with a body that contains a toxin that can cause very painful skin and eye irritations if crushed.

2020/8/17 (一)

New studies have shown that, in fact, a thumbs-up meant that the loser should die!

2020/8/18 (二)

Centuries later, the sign was employed by those who were fighting against the Nazis to represent "V for Victory," and later to mean "peace" by American activists in the 1960s.

2020/8/19 (三)

While I was writing my term paper, my computer suddenly crashed.

2020/8/20 (四)

Swans may look graceful as they float across the water, but they also have a mean side.

2020/8/21 (五)

A swan song is a final piece of work or achievement that someone completes before the end of their career or life.



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