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2020/10/26第368期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 開學書展大作戰
Watching Elephants Walk Free

Last fall, my daughter and I visited Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary, which is located in the mountains of Northern Thailand. Although our stay was short, it turned out to be the most memorable part of our holiday.
The sanctuary is set in a Karen hill tribe village that is made up of around 20 houses. Upon arrival, we went to the house where we would stay for the next two days and met our kind host family. Afterward, we headed to base to learn about the elephants that were in the sanctuary’s care.
The eldest, Too Meh, had spent much of her life giving tourists rides with a heavy iron seat tied to her back. Her daughter, Mae Doom, and grandsons, Dodo and Gen Thong, had also spent years in chains doing hard labor to entertain tourists. It broke our hearts to hear their sad stories.
Early the next morning, we saw Too Meh and Mae Doom exploring the forest and Dodo playing by the river. Seeing them free was a heartwarming experience.


年紀最大的Too Meh大半輩子都背負沉重的鐵製座騎供遊客騎乘。牠的女兒Mae Doom、孫子Dodo和Gen Thong也有好幾年的時間拴著鏈條從事苦役來娛樂遊客。聽到牠們悲傷的故事讓我們很傷心。
隔天一大早,我們看到Too Meh和Mae Doom在逛森林,而Dodo在河邊玩耍。看到牠們自由的模樣是很感人的經驗。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.234 10月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

這句話字面意思是「沒有免費午餐這樣的東西」,常用來說明任何事都必須付出成本或代價,亦即「天下沒有白吃的午餐;天下無不勞而獲的事」,亦可寫成 There's no free lunch.


• Everything comes at a price.
• You will have to pay the piper.
你必須支付費用;你必須承擔後果。(編註:字面意思是「付錢給吹笛手」,指聽完優美 的演奏後,還是要掏腰包付錢的,引申指「支付費用、承擔後果」)
• You get what you pay for.
= You pay for quality. 一分錢一分貨。

A: Check out this photo editing app. It’s completely free to use.
B: Oh, I know that one. To make it worth using, you need the extra features, which of course you have to pay for.
A: I should have known it was too good to be true.
B: Yeah, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

2020/10/19 (一)

Seeing them free was a heartwarming experience.

2020/10/20 (二)

If you want to see elephants in their natural environment, Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary is the place to go.

2020/10/21 (三)

I first got into the habit of keeping a diary when I was in high school.

2020/10/22 (四)

That ease, however, has also made it easier to commit a certain type of crime: copyright infringement.

2020/10/23 (五)

If you want to use a piece of work but aren't sure if it's under copyright or not, look for the copyright symbol or the phrase "all rights reserved."



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