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2020/11/02第369期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 開學書展大作戰
Animals Get Sunburned, Too

There’s nothing quite as enjoyable as having a day out in the fresh air and sunshine, but if you’re not careful, it can come at a cost—sunburn. You might be surprised to learn that it isn’t only humans who get sunburned, though; this is a problem that exists throughout the animal kingdom.
Most animals have fur, feathers, or scales to protect themselves from the harmful rays of the sun; however, hairless animals such as elephants, hippos, and pigs are particularly at risk of sunburn. It’s no surprise, then, that many of these animals have developed their own adaptations to protect their skin.
Pigs, for example, like to roll in the mud. This behavior isn’t a dirty habit; rather, the coating of mud keeps them cool in hot weather and prevents damage from strong sunlight. Similarly, elephants throw sand on their backs and heads for use as a kind of natural sunblock. Hippos, on the other hand, have developed a physical adaptation—they produce a red-colored substance around their eyes and ears which acts as a natural sunscreen by absorbing ultraviolet light.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.235 11月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

A Bug's Life


caterpillar 毛毛蟲
pupa 蛹(複數為pupaepupas)
butterfly 蝴蝶
swallowtail butterfly 鳳蝶;燕尾蝶
moth 飛蛾
(praying) mantis 螳螂
locust 蝗蟲
grasshopper 蚱蜢;草蜢
dragonfly 蜻蜓
damselfly 豆娘
cricket 蟋蟀
bush cricket 螽斯;紡織娘;蟈蟈
unicorn beetle 獨角仙
(亦稱作Japanese rhinoceros beetle)
stag beetle 鍬形蟲
long-horned beetle 天牛
(又稱longhorn beetle)
weevil 象鼻蟲、象甲蟲
beetle 甲蟲
stick insect 竹節蟲(亦稱作phasmid)

cicada 蟬(複數為cicadascicadae)
hornet 虎頭蜂
queen bee
drone bee 雄蜂
honey 蜂蜜
beehive/hive 蜂巢、蜂箱
worker bee 工蜂
pollen 花粉
bumblebee 熊蜂
ladybug 瓢蟲
(亦稱為ladybeetleladybirdladybird beetle)
firefly 螢火蟲

住家常出現的蟲蟲危機 :

spider 蜘蛛
mosquito 蚊子
rove beetle 隱翅蟲
flea 跳蚤
tick 蜱;壁蝨(常稱為「八腳怪」)
centipede 蜈蚣
ant 螞蟻
millipede 馬陸
termite 白蟻
bedbug 臭蟲;床蝨

2020/11/2 (一)

When her husband became ill and died, Giovanna and her son moved to their countryside estate to grieve his death.

2020/11/3 (二)

Left with no other choice, he killed his falcon and served it for breakfast.

2020/11/4 (三)

It's no surprise, then, that many of these animals have developed their own adaptations to protect their skin.

2020/11/5 (四)

It isn't just wild animals that need protection from the sun.

2020/11/6 (五)

It can slow a racing heart or mind and promote a sense of safety.




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