Facts about da Vinci Aka Il Florentine |
Born in 1452 in the Italian countryside, Leonardo da Vinci is considered to be one of the greatest artists of all time. But unlike today’s stars, about whose lives we know every detail, many facts about Leonardo’s life and work are either misunderstood or not well known.
The most common mistake made about Leonardo is his surname. Many believe it to be “da Vinci” But “da Vinci” simply means”from Vinci.” In fact, Leonardo didn’t really have a surname in the way we think of surnames today. Leonardo’s full birth name—Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci—means “Leonardo, (son) of ser Piero from Vinci” But his fellow painters just called him “Leonardo” or “Il Florentine” because he lived near the Italian city of Florence.
Also, for such a brilliant artist, Leonardo was not a productive painter by the standards of the time. He had so many other interests—such as studying nature, performing experiments, inventing machines, and playing the flute—that he often failed to finish his paintings, including his most famous work: the Mona Lisa! As a result, only 15 existing paintings have been credited to Leonardo. |
那些關於達文西的趣聞 |
關於李奧納多最常見的錯誤就是他的姓氏。很多人認為他姓「達文西」。但「達文西」只是表示「來自文西」。事實上,李奧納多並未真的有我們今天所想的姓氏那樣的姓。李奧納多出生時的全名Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci意思是「李奧納多,來自文西村、皮耶羅大人之子」。但他的畫家同儕只稱他「李奧納多」或「那個佛羅倫斯人」,因為他住在義大利佛羅倫斯城附近。
還有,對這麼傑出的藝術家來說,李奧納多以當時的標準來說並不是多產的畫家。他有非常多其他的興趣,像是研究自然、做實驗、發明機器和演奏長笛,以致於常無法完成畫作,包括他最著名的作品《蒙娜麗莎》!因此,只有十五幅現存的畫歸在李奧納多名下。 |
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.235 11月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 |
ead poisoning
鉛中毒 |
日前台中爆出議員一家因鉛中毒而入院,追查後發現竟是自費中藥的重金屬含量超標所致,開藥醫師坦承藥粉中加入了禁藥硃砂,且可能混入了鉛丹而造成病人中毒。 |
heavy metal n. 重金屬
traditional Chinese medicine n. phr. 傳統中藥
pharmaceutical laws n. phr. 藥事法
banned substance n. phr. 違禁藥物;禁用物質
medication n. 藥物、藥劑
cinnabar n. 硃砂(硫化汞礦石磨成粉,外觀為紅色粉末,與同為紅色的鉛丹相似) |
In Taichung, at least 22 people got lead poisoning from taking traditional Chinese medicine containing banned substances.
在台中,至少有二十二人因服用含有禁藥的中藥而導致鉛中毒。 |
2020/11/9 (一) |
Often called the "Home of the Maples," Aowanda boasts the largest maple forest in Taiwan.
奧萬大常被稱為「楓葉故鄉」,擁有台灣最大的楓樹林。 |
2020/11/10 (二) |
This fall offers the perfect chance to enjoy the island's beautiful mountain regions and their colorful trees.
今年秋天給予非常棒的機會來欣賞台灣美麗的山區及其色彩繽紛的樹木。 |
2020/11/11 (三) |
If you are stung by a hornet, you should seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
如果你被虎頭蜂螫到,一定要盡快尋求醫療協助。 |
2020/11/12 (四) |

Born in 1452 in the Italian countryside, Leonardo da Vinci is considered to be one of the greatest artists of all time.
李奧納多‧達文西一四五二年出生於義大利鄉村地區,被認為是有史以來最偉大的藝術家之一。 |
2020/11/13 (五) |
However, some of Leonardo's works are incomplete, not because of his tendency to lose focus, but because of other people's foolishness.
然而,李奧納多的作品有一些沒有完整,並不是因為他經常失去專注力,而是因為其他人的愚蠢所致。 |
雙11限時特賣 |
2020年終感謝季 |