簡介:◎ 圖解法國特色物
◎ overlook 的常見意思
◎ 應用會話:法國社會福利 & 勞工權益
Spotlight: Futuristic France
From Fashion to the Final Frontier
Logging 89 million visitors in 2017, the Western European nation of France is the most visited country in the world. Paris alone welcomes over 30 million foreign guests each year, making it a primary tourist draw. The country also entices domestic sightseers, with many citizens eschewing overseas travel in favor of homegrown hospitality due to the sheer scope of options on offer. Along with its bountiful beaches, mountain resorts, endless charming countryside, and stretches of quaint villages, France features superlative cultural opportunities and incomparable cuisine.
2017 年正式記錄的遊客達八千九百萬人的西歐國家法國,是全球最多人造訪的國家。光是巴黎每年就接待超過三千萬名的外國遊客,使它成為主要的旅遊勝地。法國也吸引國內的觀光客,因為所提供的選擇範圍很廣,許多國民避開海外旅行,轉而選擇自家的招待。除了為數眾多的海灘、山區度假村、無盡的迷人鄉村及綿延不絕的古樸村莊,法國還以極佳的文化機遇和無與倫比的美食為特色。