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2012/07/10 第66期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Man-Eater Manhunt 食人猛獸真面目
by Marcus Maurice
Gordon Buchanan is on a mission to battle blood-thirsty beasts.

  There's a serial killer lurking around Chitwan National Park in Nepal and her name is Nangara Pothi. Nicknamed The Claw, this deadly tigress has killed at least 10 people since 2008. Gordon Buchanan, host of Man-Eater Manhunt on National Geographic Channel (NGC), travels to Nepal to investigate. He hopes to unlock the myths and mysteries of the man-eating tigress.
  Buchanan's mission is to know and understand man-eaters—animals that have killed or even eaten humans. He wonders if the reasons for the attacks on humans are due to the predators' loss of natural space. Buchanan is determined to put himself directly in the path to find out the answers. In Tanzania, Buchanan hooks up with a local researcher to try and learn why lions that normally don't eat people now have a taste for human flesh. Buchanan finds out that most of the farmers that were killed by the lions had been sleeping in makeshift shelters while trying to protect their harvests. The only way to get to the bottom of the mystery, Buchanan thinks, is to spend a night in one of the shelters.
  Lions and tigers are dangerous, but leopards are renowned as elusive and resourceful predators. In Mumbai, India, one of the most populous cities in the world, 57 people have been killed by leopards, and Buchanan wants to know why. He sets up thermal camera traps and visits the city's suburbs at night. By doing so, Buchanan feels he gets a handle on what the opportunistic predators known for their diverse diets do at night. Dig into the leopards' secrets and more on NGC's Man-Eater Manhunt.

  1. lurk vi. 埋伏
    Why are you lurking around my house?
  2. myth n. 錯誤的概念,迷思
    Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men.
  3. mystery n. 神秘的事物,謎團
    Time travel is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century.
    How the pyramids in Egypt were constructed remains a mystery.
  4. determined a. 已下決心的
    be determined to V  決心要從事……
    Mary is determined to succeed at all costs.
  5. hook up with sb  開始與某人共事
    The singer hooked up with the guitar player to create a band in 2000.
    那位歌手開始與該吉他手共事,於 2000 年組成了一個樂團。
  6. have a taste for...  對……有興趣
    taste n. 愛好,興趣
    The trip to Africa gave me my first taste for foreign travel.
  7. get to the bottom of...  弄清……的真相
    I won't give up until I get to the bottom of the problem.
  8. be renowned as...  因身為……而出名
    renowned a. 有名的
    Marco Polo is renowned as an explorer.
  9. elusive a. 難以理解的
    elude vt. 躲避,逃避
    The criminals managed to elude the police for two weeks.
  10. resourceful a. 富於機智的
    resource n. 資源
    Richard is a very resourceful manager.
  11. set up...  架設……
    John helped me set up my stereo in my room the other day.
  12. suburb n. 郊區(常用複數)
    in the suburbs  在郊區
    I used to live in the suburbs, but I moved downtown a few weeks ago.
  13. get a handle on...  了解……
    Although we had discussed the concept for quite some time, I still couldn't get a handle on it.
  14. diverse a. 多樣性的
    diversity n. 多樣性(= variety)
    The city's diverse population makes life colorful.
  15. dig into...  致力於找出……的資訊
    I need you to dig into his past and see what you can find.

flesh 與 meat 的比較:
flesh 與 meat 這兩個字都含有『肉』的意思,但用法確有很大的差別。
flesh 是指『人體或動物身上的肉』或『水果的果肉』。
meat 是指『食用的肉』。
The next thing to do is to cut the meat into small pieces.
The thorn went deep into the flesh of my left hand.
The flesh of the fruit is yellow.

  1. serial killer n. 連環殺人兇手
  2. claw n.(動物的)爪子
  3. deadly a. 致命的
  4. unlock vt. 揭開
  5. predator n. 食肉動物,捕食者
  6. researcher n. 研究員
  7. normally adv. 通常地
  8. flesh n.(人的)肉;(果實的)果肉
  9. makeshift a. 臨時代用的
  10. shelter n. 躲避處;避難處
  11. harvest n. 收成
  12. leopard n. 美洲豹
  13. populous a. 人口眾多的
  14. thermal a. 熱能的
  15. trap n. 陷阱
  16. opportunistic a. 機會主義的
  1. due to...  由於……
  2. in the path  在路徑上

  有一個連環殺手潛伏在尼泊爾奇旺國家公園附近,她名叫南加拉•博提。這隻綽號名為『爪子』的致命母老虎自 2008 年起已經將至少 10 人攻擊致死。國家地理頻道《食人猛獸真面目》節目的主持人高登•布坎南前往尼泊爾調查。他希望能解開這隻食人母老虎的迷思與奧秘。
  獅子和老虎都很危險,但豹卻以難以捉摸且足智多謀而出名。在全球人口最多城市之一的印度孟買,57 個人被豹咬死,布坎南想要知道為什麼。他架設起熱能攝影機陷阱,並在夜晚探訪了該市的近郊處。布坎南覺得他這樣做便可了解這種以其多樣化飲食而出名的機會主義掠食者會有什麼作為。觀賞國家地理頻道的《食人猛獸真面目》節目以探討豹的秘密及其他更多的資訊。



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