The Danger in the Walls 壁中危機
by Brian Foden |
Once thought of as a great product, asbestos is now known as a hidden killer.
石棉一度被認為是一種了不起的產品,如今卻被稱為是『隱形殺手』。 |
There was a time when asbestos (石棉) was considered quite desirable in the construction industry. It was extremely pliable, easily _(1)_, and rather cheap. Thus, prior to the early 1970s, it was widely used as insulation for buildings and pipes because it was fireproof and lightweight. Then, the truth about the hidden dangers of this naturally occurring material was discovered.
There are good reasons why asbestos is no longer used in the building of houses, apartments, or other dwellings. Simply put, this fibrous substance is extremely harmful to people's health, especially the lungs. Exposure to asbestos is often compared to smoking. The more frequently it occurs, the _(2)_ the effects. Indeed, just as is the case with prolonged smoking, lung cancer is one possible outcome of breathing in the minute asbestos particles. Another type of cancer _(3)_ with the inhalation of this harmful material is called mesothelioma (間皮癌), which attacks the lining of the lungs and the lower digestive tract. _(4)_ another condition is asbestosis (石棉沉滯症). This is when the body reacts _(5)_ the asbestos fibers in the lungs by producing an acid. However, rather than destroying the asbestos, the acid _(6)_ scars the lungs. The symptoms of these diseases, which typically take from 15 to 40 years to manifest themselves, are coughing and a progressively worsening shortness of breath.
Fortunately for today's construction workers, the _(7)_ of breathing in asbestos fibers are now well-known. Unfortunately, though, this knowledge comes too late for those who unwittingly damaged their health prior to the 1970s.
1. (A) ashamed (B) specific (C) available (D) prosperous
2. (A) even worse (B) worse (C) bad (D) worst
3. (A) associated (B) confined (C) fulfilled (D) motivated
4. (A) Far (B) Still (C) Even (D) More
5. (A) as (B) for (C) to (D) in
6. (A) intimately (B) severely (C) urgently (D) mutually
7. (A) hazards (B) illusions (C) compliments (D) boundaries |
- It was extremely pliable, easily available, and rather cheap.
a. (A) ashamed a. 感到羞愧的(以人為
be ashamed of... 為……感到羞愧
shameful a. 可恥的(以事為主詞)
I was ashamed of my bad behavior as a teenager.
Nick's lack of respect for his parents is shameful.
(B) specific a. 特定的
Billy was driving around without a specific destination in mind.
(C) available a. 可買得到的
There were some seats available in the back of the concert hall.
(D) prosperous a. 繁榮的,興盛的
To run a prosperous business, you should be devoted to your job first and foremost.
b. 根據語意,可知 (C) 項應為正選。
- The more frequently it occurs, the worse the effects.
a. 本句使用下列句構:
the + 比較級形容詞/副詞, the + 比較級形容詞/副詞 愈……,就……
The harder you study, the easier it is for you to pass the test.
b. 原題空格前有 the more 所引導的副詞子句 the more frequently it occurs(發生得愈頻繁),得知空格內應置比較級的形容詞或副詞,選項中僅 (A)、(B) 項為比較級形容詞,但 (A) 項在此為獨立副詞片語應放句首,故不可選。
c. Even worse,... 更糟的是,……
Jen had a bad day yesterday. Even worse, she lost her job today.
d. 根據上述,可知 (B) 項應為正選。
- Another type of cancer associated with the inhalation of this harmful material is called mesothelioma, which...
a. (A) associate vt. 把……聯想在一起
be associated with... 與……有關
= be related to...
= be linked to...
The side effects are associated with that type of treatment.
(B) confine vt. 使受限
be confined to... 受限於/侷限於……
Sherry was confined to a wheelchair for two months after she fell down the stairs and broke her back.
(C) fulfill vt. 實現
You can fulfill your dreams if you work hard.
(D) motivate vt. 激勵;激發
be motivated to V 被激發做……
The students were motivated to do better as a result of their teacher's passion and devotion.
b. 原句實等於:Another type of cancer which is associated with the inhalation of this harmful material is called mesothelioma, which...。
c. 本句測試 be associated with...(與……有關),得知空格應置 associated,故 (A) 項應為正選。
- Still another condition is asbestosis.
a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
One..., another..., and still another...
My friends have different hobbies. One likes jogging, another enjoys reading, and still another is always listening to music.
b. 空格前兩句有...lung cancer is one possible outcome...,以及 Another type of cancer...,確知此處應填入 Still another condition...。此句型運用於非限定三者以上的事物。
c. condition n. 疾病;健康問題
Doctors suspect Al may have a heart condition.
d. (A)、(C)、(D) 項置入後,均與上述用法不合,故知 (B) 項應為正選。
- This is when the body reacts to the asbestos fibers in the lungs by producing an acid.
a. 空格前有 react(反應),得知空格應置介詞 to,形成下列固定用法:
react to N/V-ing 對……作出反應
react vi. 反應(與介詞 to 並用)
How did your parents react to your being pregnant?
b. 根據上述用法,可知 (C) 項應為正選。
- However, rather than destroying the asbestos, the acid severely scars the lungs.
a. (A) intimately adv. 親密地
They've known one another intimately for the past few years.
(B) severely adv. 嚴重地
Shark populations have been severely depleted because of overfishing.
*deplete vt. 用盡,使減少
(C) urgently adv. 緊急地
Red Cross officials report the victims urgently need food and water.
(D) mutually adv. 互相地
William and I came to a mutually acceptable agreement.
b. 本句 the acid(酸)當主詞,空格後也有及物動詞 scars(造成傷疤),得知空格內應置副詞來修飾動詞 scars。
c. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
- Fortunately for today's construction workers, the hazards of breathing in asbestos fibers are now well-known.
a. (A) hazard n. 危險(物)
hazardous a. 危險的(與介詞 to 並用)
Increasing pollution levels are a serious health hazard to the locals.
The press announced a list of products that are potentially hazardous to public health.
(B) illusion n. 假象,錯覺
The magic tricks were only illusions.
(C) compliment n. 讚美
I took your comment about my hair as a compliment and not as an insult.
(D) boundary n. 界限;邊界
The boundaries of human knowledge are forever being extended.
b. 根據語意,可知 (A) 項應為正選。
- desirable a. 令人滿意的;富有魅力的
That movie star was chosen by the magazine as one of the most desirable bachelors in the UK.
- prior to... (時間上)在……之前
You must not eat anything 10 hours prior to your medical checkup.
在進行全身健康檢查前 10 個小時,你不可以吃任何東西。
- Simply put,... 簡言之,……
= Put simply,...
= To put it simply,...
= In short,...
Simply put, this investment package is going to make you rich.
- be harmful to... 對……有害
Research suggests that MSG is very harmful to our bodies.
- exposure n. 曝露(與介詞 to 並用)
Stella got burned from too much exposure to the sun.
- prolong vt. 延長
prolonged a. 延長的
We prolonged our stay at the restaurant by ordering coffee after the meal.
- manifest vt. 顯示;證明
manifest oneself 彰顯出
Rachel's musical talent manifested itself at the age of three.
瑞秋的音樂才華在 3 歲就顯現出來了。
- unwittingly adv. 無意地,不自覺地
The man unwittingly stepped on the dog's tail and made it yelp in pain.
*yelp vi. 狗嚎叫
- asbestos n. 石棉
- construction n. 建造
- pliable a. 柔韌的
- insulation n. 絕緣;隔熱
insulate vt. 使絕緣;使隔熱
- fireproof a. 防火的
- lightweight a. 質輕的
- dwelling n. 住宅
- fibrous a. 纖維的;含纖維的
- outcome n. 結果(與介詞 of 並用)
- breathe in... 吸入……
- minute a. 微小的,極小的
- particle n. 微粒
- inhalation n. 吸入
- mesothelioma n. 間皮癌
- lining n.(身體器官的)內膜
- tract n. 道
- asbestosis n. 石棉沉滯症
- acid n. 酸
- scar vt. 使留下傷疤
- symptom n. 症狀(與介詞 of 並用)
- typically adv. 典型地
- shortness of breath 呼吸急促;氣喘
Indeed, just as is the case with prolonged smoking, lung cancer is...
as 作準關係代名詞的用法,等於 which:
John is nice, which is known to us.
= John is nice, as is known to us.
= As is known to us, John is nice.
約翰人很好,我們都知道。 |
曾經有一段時期石棉被認為是營建業中的好建材。它極具韌性、容易取得而且相當便宜。因此在 1970 年代早期之前,因為石棉既防火重量又輕,所以被廣泛地用來作為建築物和管路上的絕緣體。然後,存在於這種天然材質的潛在危機的真相被人發現了。
有很充份的理由可以解釋石棉為何不再被用在房屋、公寓或是其他住宅的建築上。簡言之,這種纖維物質對人體健康有極大的傷害,特別是肺部。曝露在石棉下常被比喻成吸菸。愈常接觸石棉,影響愈深。的確,就像長期吸菸的情況,肺癌也是長期吸入細微石棉粉塵可能會得到的結果。另一種與吸入這種有害健康物質有關的癌症稱為『間皮癌』,這種疾病會侵襲肺的內膜以及下消化道。另外還有一種疾病就是『石棉沉滯症(俗稱石棉肺)』。這是當人體對肺中的石棉纖維作出反應,進而產生一種酸。然而,這種酸不會破壞石棉,反而會嚴重傷害我們的肺。這些疾病的症狀,通常要花費 15 至 40 年才會顯現出來,症狀是會不斷咳嗽以及日益惡化的氣喘。
今日的建築工人很幸運,他們已經明白吸入石棉纖維的危害。但遺憾的是,這些知識來得太晚,讓 1970 年代以前的工人都不自覺地吸入這些會損害他們健康的物質。
答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A |
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