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2013/07/23 第120期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Khukuri: A Weapon, Tool, and Symbol with a Long History 尼泊爾的廓爾喀彎刀
by Brian Foden
Used by fearless Nepalese soldiers, the khukuri has become a legendary weapon, but it's also a common household tool in Nepal.

  With a wide, heavy blade curved inwards, the khukuri is truly an interesting and distinctive weapon. _(1)_ It was largely unknown in the Western world until a British company called the East India Company faced resistance from fierce and fearless fighters who fought for the Gorkha Kingdom, which later became part of Nepal. _(2)_
  Used by the Gurkhas, the khukuri was and remains a powerful knife that is well designed for stabbing, cutting, and chopping to severely injure and kill enemies. _(3)_
  Yet killing is just one of the many uses the knife has been used for. A much more common usage of the sharp instrument is as a basic tool for gardening and for performing a wide variety of duties around the home. _(4)_ In addition, ethnic tribes in Nepal think highly of khukuris and add them into many ceremonies. _(5)_ With all of its practical and symbolic uses, the khukuri has certainly earned its rightful place as a legendary and symbolic multipurpose tool and weapon.

(A) One ceremonial use of the knife is in weddings, where the groom is required to wear one so people can see it.
(B) Its use, combined with the courage of the Nepalese soldiers, prompted Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw of the Indian Army to say, "If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha."
(C) Made of forged steel attached to a large handle made out of wood, water buffalo horn, bone, ivory, or metal, this fearsome weapon, ceremonial knife, and versatile tool all in one has been used for centuries.
(D) The purposes that the Nepalese use it for include chopping wood, clearing land, digging, and cutting meat, among other things.
(E) The Gurkhas, as the British referred to these soldiers, were later invited to become fighters for the East India Company.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "..., the khukuri is truly an interesting and distinctive weapon."(……廓爾喀彎刀確實是一種令人感興趣又與眾不同的武器),而選項 (C) 的句子進一步補充說明 "... this fearsome weapon,..."(……這種可怕的武器……),兩句皆有提到關鍵字 weapon(武器),而使兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. forge vt. & vi. 鍛造
    These machine parts have been forged with the finest steel.
    b. buffalo n. 水牛(單複數同形)
    c. fearsome a. 可怕的,令人生畏的
    d. ceremonial a. 儀式的;禮儀的
    e. versatile a. 多功能的

  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "..., fierce and fearless fighters who fought for the Gorkha Kingdom,..."(……這些兇猛無懼鬥士所捍衛的廓爾喀王國……),而選項 (E) 的句子進一步說明 "The Gurkhas, ..., were later invited to become fighters for the East India Company."(這些廓爾喀戰士,……後來還被聘用成為東印度公司的戰士。),空格前一句所提到 fighters(鬥士)指的即是 (E) 項句子所提到 The Gurkhas(廓爾喀戰士),因此兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    refer to...  提及
    The author referred to my hometown several
    times in his article.

  3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及"... a powerful knife that is well designed for... to cause severe injury and death on an enemy."(精心設計的廓爾喀彎刀可用來……對敵人造成嚴重傷害且置人於死),而 (B) 項句子進一步說明"Its use, combined with the courage of the Nepalese soldiers,..."(這種刀的用途結合尼泊爾戰士的勇猛),兩句皆有提到這種彎刀的用途,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. combine with...  和……結合
    b. prompt vt. 促使;激勵
    prompt sb to V
    The singer's brilliant lyrics prompted the artist to create a masterpiece.
    c. Field Marshall  陸軍參謀長,陸軍元帥

  4. 第四題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "A much more common usage of the sharp instrument is..."(這種銳器更普遍的使用方式是……),而選項 (D) 的句子進一步說明 "The purposes that the Nepalese use it for include chopping wood,..."(尼泊爾人用它來砍柴……以及其他許多事務上。),前一句的 usage(用途)和 (D) 項的 purposes(目的)形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    dig vi. 挖掘

  5. 第五題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "... add them into many ceremonies."(……將廓爾喀彎刀加到許多的儀式中),而選項 (A) 的句子進一步補充說明 "One ceremonial use of the knife is in weddings..."
    (他們將這種刀運用在某種儀式上,那就是婚禮,……),兩句因ceremonies(儀式)及 ceremonial(儀式上的) 兩字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    groom n. 新郎
  1. legendary a. 傳奇的;傳說中的
    The legendary monster is said to have lived in this lake.
  2. distinctive a. 與眾不同的;特殊的
    The Indian restaurant down the street emits a distinctive smell.
  3. resistance n. 抵抗
    resist vt. 抗拒,忍住
    Julia resisted buying that fashionable dress.
  4. be designed for...  為……而設計
    be designed to V  被設計來……
    Our program is designed for parents who want to incorporate English into their homes.
    This program is designed to teach people how to care for the elderly.
  5. a (wide) variety of + 複數名詞
    = a wide range of + 複數名詞
    = a wide selection of + 複數名詞 各式各樣的……
    Our showroom has a wide variety of model kitchens.
  6. think highly of...  推崇/看重……
    The critics think highly of the director's debut film.
  7. symbolic a. 象徵(性)的
    be symbolic of...  是……的象徵
    Wedding rings are symbolic of a couple's trust and love for each other.
  8. rightful a. 應有的;合法的
    The masked avenger returned the money to its rightful owner.
  1. fearless a. 無畏的
  2. Nepalese a. 尼泊爾的 & n. 尼泊爾人
  3. household a. 家用的;為人所熟知的
  4. curved a. 彎曲的
  5. inwards adv. 向內地
    = inward
  6. fierce a. 兇猛的
  7. stab vt. 刺,戳
  8. chop vt. 砍,劈
  9. usage n. 用法
  10. ethnic a. 種族的,民族的
  11. practical a. 實際的,實用的
    impractical a. 不切實際的
  12. multipurpose a. 多功能的


答案:1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. A

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