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2013/11/05 第135期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 小空間大改造
by Marcus Maurice
Amazing Spaces shows people how to make the best of their small living areas.

  Tiny, cramped apartments are the norm in Taiwan because it's such a small place with so many people. The population is exploding, and there's rarely anywhere to build besides up. Just because a place is undersized doesn't mean that it can't be amazing, though. Architect George Clarke knows a thing or two about turning small areas into exceptional living spaces. As a matter of fact, this month on National Geographic Channel, Clarke takes a camera crew into some places where it seems that no one could possibly live and then gives them a facelift on Amazing Spaces.
  For many people, the thought of having a place to escape from the hectic world is nothing but a pipe dream. Clarke demonstrates how these dreams can come true in his show. He meets people who are building houses out of shipping containers, broken down buses, canal boats, underground toilets, and more. In each episode, Clarke gives recommendations and tips and shows the owners what can be done to make their spaces more roomy and livable.
  Clarke also demonstrates his own abilities when he buys a run-down caravan for nearly US$500. He plans on remodeling and making it a second home for his growing family. While his builder doesn't see the potential in the rusted-out caravan, Clarke doesn't give up. Instead, he rips out all the cheeky 1970s interior and uses some ingenious designs to create extra space for his family. The question that remains, though, is if his family will dig it. Join George Clarke and a host of others as they convert their puny chambers into Amazing Spaces.

  1. make the best of...
    = make good use of...
    I know it's difficult, but try to make the best of the situation.
  2. cramped a. 擁擠的;狹窄的
    Jeremy cooked for himself in the cramped kitchen.
  3. know / learn a thing or two about...
    Tim knows a thing or two about marketing because he has been working in the field for 10 years.
  4. demonstrate
    vt. 示範;顯示,表露
    Can you demonstrate that yoga position to us again?
    The company demonstrated its commitment to humanity when it donated money for a new children's hospital.
  5. recommendation n. 推薦
    recommend vt. 推薦
    I recommend buying electronics manufactured in Japan.
  6. remodel vi. & vt. 重建,改裝
    I'll remodel the downstairs bedroom first.
  7. rip out...  (猛力地)移除……
    The secretary angrily ripped out many sheets of paper from her notebook.
  8. interior n. 內裝 & a. 內部的
    exterior n. 外觀 & a. 外部的
    The interior walls of the church are painted blue.
    We used exterior paint to cover the side of the garage.
  9. ingenious a. 巧妙的
    Regina's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.
  1. norm n. 常態(之前置定冠詞 the);
    social norms  社會規範
    be the norm  是常態
  2. population n. 人口(集合名詞)
    a large / small population  人口眾多/稀少
  3. undersized a. 小於一般尺寸的,不夠大的
  4. exceptional a. 例外的
  5. crew n. 全體工作人員(集合名詞,不可數)
  6. facelift n.(建築物、房間、地方的)翻新、整修
  7. hectic a. 緊張忙碌的,忙亂的
  8. a pipe dream  幻想,白日夢
  9. shipping container  船運貨櫃
    container n. 貨櫃;容器
  10. canal n. 水道;運河
  11. underground a. 地下的
  12. episode n.(電視影集/連續劇的)一集
  13. roomy a. 寬敞的,空間大的
  14. livable a. 適合居住的
  15. run-down a.(尤指地方)破舊的
  16. caravan n.(可供居住的)拖車,篷車
    = trailer
  17. builder n. 建築工人
  18. potential n. 潛力
  19. rusted-out a. 鏽跡斑斑的
  20. cheeky a. 厚顏無恥的(在本文指『過時的』= out of style)
  21. dig vt. 喜歡
    = enjoy
  22. puny a. 小於一般尺寸的
  23. chamber n. 室,房間

He meets people who are building houses out of shipping containers, broken down buses, canal boats, underground toilets, and more.
此處的 out of...其後接『地方』,表示『出於……當中』,out 為介副詞。介副詞視為地方副詞,置於句首時採倒裝句。所謂介副詞,就是由表示場所的介詞(如 in、out、down、up、off 等)變成的副詞。
Out walked the customer unhappily.
= The customer walked out unhappily.
歷屆考題 (考古題源自歷年考題原句並做部份刪減)
_______ of all the tourist attractions in Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake is by far the most beautiful. 【99 年】
(A) Out  (B) Away
(C) Upon  (D) Under

  1. turn A into B  將 A 轉變為 B
    = convert A into B
    = change A into B
  2. As a matter of fact, ...  事實上,……
    = In fact, ...
    = Actually, ...
  3. escape from...  從……逃脫
    = flee vi. 逃走(三態為:flee, fled, fled)
  4. plan on V-ing  有意要……;打算要……
    = plan / intend to V

  克拉克也花了約五百美元買了一部破舊拖車來展示他的改造能力。他打算重新改造這輛車,並為他那漸漸增添的家人打造出第二個家。雖然克拉克的建築工人並沒有看出這輛生鏽拖車的潛力,但他並沒有放棄改造它。克拉克拆掉所有 1970 年代過時的內裝,反而用一些巧妙的設計來為他的家庭創造出額外的空間。不過,剩下的問題就在於他的家人是否喜歡這樣的改造而已。加入喬治.克拉克及其他屋主的行列,一起將小房間來個《小空間大改造》吧。

Grammar Tips  歷屆考題答案:A

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