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2014/01/21 第146期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Need Kidney 4 Wife 為愛走天涯
by Olivia Wycech

With determination, anyone can do anything.

  Love is a powerful force. It can drive people to do the unthinkable, and when the unthinkable saves a life, it's all the more touching. When Jimmie Sue Swilling was born, it was with only one kidney. She didn't realize this, however, until she was trying to start a family with her husband Larry Swilling. Doctors told her that it was unlikely that she could have children. Against all odds, Jimmie Sue gave birth to not one, but three healthy children. Still, she knew that one day a kidney transplant would be required. That day finally came last year, when, at the age of 76, Jimmie Sue was told that her one kidney was about to fail and she was in need of an urgent transplant. With no kidneys available, she was put on a long waiting list. Her husband, however, couldn't stand the thought of life without his wife, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
  One morning, Larry woke up with an idea. He made a sandwich board sign that read "Need kidney 4 wife," strapped it to his body, and set out with a heart full of hope. Larry pounded 15 miles of pavement in 97-degree heat and a bad knee. After that walk, he received nearly 2,000 phone calls. Still, until a confirmed donor was found, Larry refused to give up, and a few days later, he walked another 54 miles. Larry's awe-inspiring love and devotion to his beloved wife, whom he says he loves more now than when he married her 56 years ago, was the reason that a 41-year-old woman from Virginia was so touched that she decided to donate her kidney to Jimmie Sue. Luckily, it was a match, so Larry can now put down his sign and doesn't have to worry anymore.

1. How did Larry and Jimmie Sue beat the odds?
(A) They found a kidney doctor.
(B) Jimmy Sue survived cancer.
(C) They had three children after being told they couldn't.
(D) They stayed together throughout their ordeal.
2. What is NOT mentioned as a reason that drove Larry to look for a donor himself?
(A) He didn't want to live without his wife.
(B) He loved his wife dearly.
(C) There were no donors available.
(D) His three children begged him to do it.
3. What does "Larry pounded 15 miles of pavement" in the second paragraph mean?
(A) He angrily hit the pavement with his fists for 15 miles.
(B) He walked the streets for 15 miles.
(C) He put signs up along 15 miles of the road nearby.
(D) He asked all potential donors within 15 miles to donate a kidney.
4. What is the reason Jimmie Sue finally found a donor?
(A) Her story moved a woman in another state.
(B) It was her turn on the waiting list.
(C) She received 2,000 kidney donations.
(D) Her husband walked to Virginia and found a donor.

  1. kidney n. 腎臟
  2. unthinkable a. 難以想像的
  3. transplant n.(器官)移植
  4. sandwich board  三明治廣告看板
  5. strap vt. 捆住,綁住
  6. pound vt. & vi. 沉重地走
  7. pavement n. 人行道
  8. donor n. 捐贈者
  9. awe-inspiring a. 令人敬畏的
  10. match n. 相配
  11. ordeal n. 苦難,折磨

That day finally came last year, when, at the age of 76, Jimmie Sue was told that...
at + 數字/與數字有關之名詞
凡表『年紀』、『速度』、『價格』等與『數字』有關之名詞,如:age(年齡)、speed(速度)、cost(價格、代價)、price(價格)、altitude(高度)等,均與介詞 at 並用。
at the age of... 以……的年紀
at the speed of... 以……的速度
at the cost of... 以……的價格/代價
at the price of... 以……的價格
The musician died at the age of 35.
Emily lives at 125 Minchuan West Road.

  1. determination n. 決心
    Ben's success was due to his hard work and determination.
  2. against all odds  克服重重困難
    Against all odds, the paralyzed man started walking again.
    *paralyze vt. 使癱瘓
  3. require vt. 需要;要求
    Astronauts require a continuous supply of oxygen while in space.
    *continuous a. 連續的,不中斷的
  4. be in need of...  需要……
    be in need  陷入窮困中
    Your car is in need of a good cleaning right now.
    Jill helped me out when I was in need.
  5. take matters into one's own hands
    If you don't know what you're doing, it may be risky to take matters into your own hands.
  6. set out (for + 地方)  出發(前往某地)
    = set off (for + 地方)
    Gary will set out for Kaohsiung this afternoon.
  7. confirm vt. 證實;確認
    The police have confirmed that the fire was caused by a deliberate act of sabotage.
    *sabotage n. 破壞
  8. devotion n. 奉獻(常與介詞 to 並用)
    be devoted to N/V-ing  致力於……
    Mother Teresa deserves our respect because of her devotion to mankind.
    The photographer is devoted to capturing the best moments for her clients.
  9. potential a. 有可能的 & n. 潛力
    Drug addicts pose potential threats to society as a whole.
    We need to do something to minimize the potential of food poisoning.
  10. donation n. 捐獻,捐贈
    make a donation  捐獻,捐贈
    David makes a donation to a reputable charity every year.

1. 賴瑞和吉米•蘇如何對抗命運?
(A) 他們找到了一位腎臟科醫生。
(B) 吉米•蘇從癌症中倖存。
(C) 他們在被告知無法生孩子之後有了三個小孩。
(D) 他們在這場磨難之中陪伴彼此。
題解:根據本文第一段,儘管如此,但吉米•蘇還是排除萬難而生下了三個健康的孩子,故 (C) 項應為正
2. 下列哪一項不是讓賴瑞親自尋找捐贈者的原因?
(A) 他不希望人生中少了他的太太。
(B) 他深深地愛著他的太太。
(C) 沒有找到捐贈者。
(D) 他的三個小孩乞求他這麼做。
題解:根據本文第一段,由於沒有可用的腎臟,賴瑞的太太被列入了冗長的等候名單,然而,深愛太太的賴瑞無法忍受人生中沒有太太的想法,僅 (D) 項
3. 本文第二段中的 "Larry pounded 15 miles of pavement" 是什麼意思?
(A) 他憤怒地用雙拳拍擊道路長達十五英里。
(B) 他走了十五英里的路。
(C) 他在附近十五英里道路上沿途放置看板。
(D) 他要求十五英里內可能的捐贈者捐贈腎臟。
題解:本句中 pound 作動詞用,意為『腳步沉重地走』,
故 (B) 項應為正選。
4. 吉米•蘇最後為何找到了捐贈者?
(A) 她的故事感動了住在另一州的女士。
(B) 等候名單上輪到了她。
(C) 她得到兩千個腎臟捐贈。
(D) 她的丈夫走到維吉尼亞州並找到了一位捐贈者。
題解:根據本文第二段,賴瑞對愛妻的奉獻讓一位來自維吉尼亞州的女士深受感動,並決定將她的腎臟捐給吉米•蘇,故 (A) 項應為正選。

答案:1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A

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