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2014/03/11 第153期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Kano Took Koshien and the World of Baseball by Storm 嘉農旋風
by Leigh Goldberg

This historic team from Chiayi, Taiwan made baseball history and then changed it.

  For many high school baseball players in Japan, getting to Koshien is the ultimate honor. Held at the Hanshin Koshien Stadium, the _(1)_ National High School Baseball Championship, known simply as Koshien, is the longest-running nationwide tournament in Japan. Revered by all Japanese high school sluggers, Koshien is where scouts from professional teams go to check out prospective players to draft to the professional leagues. It's so sacred _(2)_ many treat it as a shrine to baseball.
  Koshien also _(3)_ a special place in the hearts of the people of Taiwan, especially those on the famed 1931 Kano baseball team. These sluggers from the Chiayi School of Agriculture and Forestry, which was nicknamed Kano, were brought together in 1928, _(4)_ Taiwan was still under Imperial Japan's rule. This team was unique because it consisted of Japanese, Han Chinese, and aboriginal _(5)_, unlike all the other high school teams around the island with all Japanese players. What really set Kano apart from the rest was the fact that they had qualified to _(6)_ Taiwan at Koshien in 1931. Needless to say, they were the underdogs in a tournament roster that included 630 other teams from throughout the Japanese empire. However, beyond all _(7)_, Kano breezed through their first three games and miraculously landed themselves in the finals. Sadly, they were beaten by a more powerful Japanese squad _(8)_ a score of 4-0, garnering them second place.
  Despite the loss, Kano earned the respect of their Japanese _(9)_. Furthermore, this truly amazing experience sparked more interest in baseball in Taiwan, eventually propelling it to become its national sport. Baseball in Japan and Taiwan would not be the same _(10)_ Kano and Koshien.
(A) by (B) holds (C) without (D) that (E) counterparts
(F) annual (G) miniature (H) when (I) about (J) expectations
(K) represent (L) athletes

  1. Held at the Hanshin Koshien Stadium, the annual National High School Baseball Championship, known simply as Koshien, is the longest-running nationwide tournament in Japan.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有名詞詞組 National High School Baseball Championship(全國高中棒球錦標賽),得知空格應置形容詞以修飾該名詞詞組。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (F) annual(一年一次的)及 (G) miniature(微小的),惟根據語意,(F) 項應為正選。
    c. annual a. 一年一度的,每年的
    The followers of the church all participated in the annual celebration.
  2. It's so sacred that many treat it as a shrine to baseball.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    so + a. / adv. + that + S + V 如此……以致於……
    The room was so bright that we were unable to get to sleep.
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. Koshien also holds a special place in the hearts of the people of Taiwan, especially those on the famed 1931 Kano baseball team.
    甲子園亦在許多臺灣人心中有著一種特殊的地位,尤其是對 1931 年那支相當知名的嘉農棒球隊成員而言。
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    hold a / an...place  佔有……的地位
    My grandparents hold an important place in my heart because they helped raise me.
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  4. These sluggers from the Chiayi School of Agriculture and Forestry,..., were brought together in 1928, when Taiwan was still under Imperial Japan's rule.
    這些來自嘉義農林學校……的打擊好手於 1928 年成軍,當時臺灣仍由日本帝國所統治。
    a. 空格前後各有一完整子句,得知空格應置連接詞或具有連接功用的關係副詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (H) when(當時),空格前又有表時間的先行詞 in 1928,故 (H) 項應為正選。此處 when 等於 in which(即 in 1928)。
    When I went to pick up my sandwich, there were ants crawling all over it.
  5. This team was unique because it consisted of Japanese, Han Chinese, and aboriginal athletes, unlike all the other high school teams around the island with all Japanese players.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 Japanese, Han Chinese, and aboriginal(日本、臺灣以及原住民的),得知空格應置名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (E) counterparts(相對應的人事物)、(G) miniature(小型物)、(J) expectations(期待)及 (L) athletes(運動員),惟根據語意,(L) 項應為正選。
    c. athlete n. 運動員
    Some athletes use illegal drugs to enhance their performance during competitions.
  6. What really set Kano apart from the rest was the fact that they had qualified to represent Taiwan at Koshien in 1931.
    而真正讓嘉農與眾不同的一點就是這支球隊獲得代表臺灣參加 1931 年舉辦的甲子園大賽資格。
    a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,得知空格應置原形動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (K) represent(代表),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. represent vt. 代表
    The athlete dreamed of representing her country at the Olympics.
  7. However, beyond all expectations, Kano breezed through their first three games and miraculously landed themselves in the finals.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    beyond one's expectations
    The amount of money I spent on fixing this car has ballooned beyond my expectations.
    b. 根據上述,(J) 項應為正選。
  8. Sadly, they were beaten by a more powerful Japanese squad by a score of 4-0, garnering them second place.
    a. 空格前有被動式動詞were beaten(被擊敗),空格後有 a score of 4-0(四比零的比數),得知空格應置介詞。
    b. 表『有……的差距』時,介詞通常用 by,故 (A) 項應為正選。
    Johnny missed his flight by only a minute.
  9. Despite the loss, Kano earned the respect of their Japanese counterparts.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 Japanese(日本的),得知空格應置名詞,以被 Japanese 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的尚有 (E) counterparts(相對應的人事物)及(G) miniature(小型物),惟根據語意,(E) 項應為正選。
    c. counterpart n. 相對應的人事物
    The British prime minister met with his French counterpart in a private meeting.
  10. Baseball in Japan and Taiwan would not be the same without Kano and Koshien.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    ...would not be the same without... 如果少了……,……就會截然不同
    This party just wouldn't be the same without you there.
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. historic a. 具歷史意義的,歷史上著名的
  2. championship n. 錦標賽;冠軍賽
  3. long-running a. 持續相當長時間的
  4. nationwide a. 全國性的
  5. tournament n. 比賽,錦標賽
  6. revere vt. 尊敬
  7. slugger n. 強打者,強棒
  8. scout n. 球探
  9. draft vt. 徵召(棒球或籃球等運動的球員)
  10. league n. 聯盟
  11. sacred a. 受崇敬的;神聖的
  12. shrine n. 聖地
  13. agriculture n. 農業
  14. forestry n. 林業
  15. nickname vt. 給……起綽號 & n. 綽號
  16. imperial a. 帝國的
  17. aboriginal a. 原住民的 & n. 原住民,土著
  18. underdog n. 處於劣勢的一方
  19. roster n. 球員名單
  20. empire n. 帝國
  21. miraculously adv. 出乎意料地;神奇地
  22. squad n. 小隊
  23. garner vt. 獲得
    = acquire
  24. spark vt. 激發;鼓舞
  1. take...by storm 使……神魂顛倒;風靡……
    After starring in her first movie, Marilyn Monroe took Hollywood by storm.
  2. ultimate a. 最後的,最終的
    The Nobel Prize has become the ultimate accolade in many fields.
    *accolade n. 稱讚,讚揚
  3. prospective a. 潛在的;可能的
    The real estate agent showed all the prospective buyers around the house.
  4. famed a. 知名的,著名的
    be famed for...  以……著名/出名
    = be famous for...
    Taiwan is famed for its exciting night markets.
  5. under sb's rule  在某人的統治下
    Under the former president's rule, people led prosperous lives.
  6. set sb apart from...  使某人有別於……
    Angelina's unique taste in clothing sets her apart from other girls her age.
  7. qualify vt. 使具有資格
    Carl successfully qualified for a spot on the swim team.
  8. breeze through...  輕而易舉地完成……
    Those clever kids breezed through the examination with no trouble at all.
  9. propel sb to V  促使/激發某人(做)……
    propel vt. 驅策
    The mayor's lack of action propelled the group to protest outside his office.
  1. check out sb / check sb out (因某人有趣或吸引人而來)查看,觀察
  2. consist of...  由……組成
    be composed of...
    be made up of...
  3. Needless to say, S + V  不用說,……
    It goes without saying + that 子句

  甲子園亦在許多臺灣人心中有著一種特殊的地位,尤其是對 1931 年那支相當知名的嘉農棒球隊成員而言。這些來自嘉義農林學校(別名:嘉農)的打擊好手於 1928 年成軍,當時臺灣仍由日本帝國所統治。這支球隊很特別,因為它是由日本、臺灣以及原住民的運動選手所組成,不像其他臺灣的高中球隊都是日本球員。而真正讓嘉農與眾不同的一點就是這支球隊獲得代表臺灣參加 1931 年舉辦的甲子園大賽資格。不用說,這支球隊在包含全日本帝國其他六百三十支球隊的所有出賽隊伍中處於劣勢。不過出人意料的是,嘉農輕鬆打贏了前三場比賽,奇蹟似地打進決賽。遺憾的是,他們被另一支實力更強的日本球隊以四比零的比數所擊敗而屈居亞軍。

答案:1. F 2. D 3. B 4. H 5. L 6. K 7. J 8. A 9. E 10. C

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