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2014/12/23 ²Ä194´Á ­q¾\¡þ°h­q¡ý¬Ý¾ú¥v³ø¥÷¡ýª½±µ­q¾\

The New York Philharmonic¡@±y´­¦Ê¦~ªº¼Ö³¹
by Aaron Andrews

The New York Philharmonic is so much more than an orchestra ?? it is a celebration of music. ¯Ã¬ù·R¼Ö¤£³æ³æ¬O­ÓºÞ©¶¼Ö¹Î¢w¢w¥¦¬O¹ï­µ¼Öªº¹|´­¡C

¡@¡@With eight now iconic notes from Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, the world's best recognized orchestra, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra (NYPO), burst into life in 1842. With Beethoven's death _(1)_ just 25 years earlier, the piece of music was being introduced in the US to a sold-out audience of 600. They each paid a mere 83 cents for tickets. Since then, the NYPO has performed more than any other musical ensemble _(2)_ history, completing their 15 thousandth performance in 2010. Having premiered symphonies by some of the greatest composers of all time, including Antonin Dvo??k and George Gershwin, the NYPO is America's oldest _(3)_ orchestra and one of the world's most-loved musical institutions.
¡@¡@Today, music fans from all over the globe _(4)_ a chance to experience the NYPO. Whether in their home concert hall, the Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, or taking their sound to the people in their free Concert in the Park series, the _(5)_ 110 musicians in the orchestra want everyone to have a chance to listen, learn, and love music. Sharing their love for music, the artists perform frequently in schools, universities, and anywhere else they can _(6)_ young music lovers. Jazz, folk, and movie and musical soundtrack pieces add an eclectic excitement _(7)_ the catalogue of classical orchestral performances. Even students and _(8)_ artists are not priced out of admission as each show offers a number of reduced price tickets. Die-hard fans can even attend open practice _(9)_. For those who cannot make the trip or _(10)_ cannot get enough, the orchestra has over 500 recorded albums on sale.

(A) relish¡@(B) active¡@(C) in¡@(D) simply¡@(E) sessions
(F) roughly¡@(G) starving¡@(H) attract¡@(I) occurring¡@(J) to

  1. With Beethoven's death occurring just 25 years earlier, the piece of music was being introduced in the US to a sold-out audience of 600.
    a. ¥»ªÅ®æ´ú¸Õ¥H with ¤Þ¾Éªº¡y±¡ª¬¤¶µü¤ù»y¡z¥Îªk¡A¦¹ºØ¤¶µü¤ù»y¤D¥Î¨Óªí¥Ü¸Ó¤ù»y¤¤¨üµü©Ò³Bªº±¡§Î©Îª¬ªp¡A¨äµ²ºc¬° "with + ¨üµü + ²{¦b¤Àµü¢A¹L¥h¤Àµü¡]§¡§@¨üµü¸É»y¡^"¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤²Å¦X¤W­zªº¦³ (G) starving¡]®Á¾j¡^©M (I) occurring¡]µo¥Í¡^¡A±©®Ú¾Ú»y·N¡A(I) ¶µÀ³¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    The old woman sat in a chair with a blanket covering her lap.
  2. ...the NYPO has performed more than any other musical ensemble in history...
    a. ¥»ÃD´ú¸Õ¥H¤U©T©w¥Îªk¡G
    in history¡@¡@¥v¤W
    That president will remain in my memory as the best in history.
    b. ®Ú¾Ú¤W­z¡A(C) ¶µÀ³¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
  3. ...the NYPO is America's oldest active orchestra and one of the world's most-loved musical institutions.
    a. ªÅ®æ«á¦³¦Wµü orchestra¡]ºÞ©¶¼Ö¹Î¡^¡A±oª¾ªÅ®æÀ³¸m§Î®eµü¥H­×¹¢ orchestra¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤¬°§Î®eµüªº¦³ (B) active¡]¬¡ÅDªº¡^©M (G) starving¡]°§¾jªº¡^¡A±©®Ú¾Ú»y·N¡A(B) ¶µÀ³¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    c. active a. ¬¡ÅDªº¡F¥D°Êªº
    My father's good deeds inspire me to become more active in helping others.
  4. Today, music fans from all over the globe relish a chance to experience the NYPO.
    a. ªÅ®æ«e¦³§@¥Dµüªº¦Wµüµü²Õ music fans from all over the globe¡]¥þ²y¦U¦aªº¼Ö°g¡^¡AªÅ®æ«á¦³§@¨üµüªº¦Wµü a chance¡]¤@­Ó¾÷·|¡^¡A±oª¾ªÅ®æÀ³¸m¤Îª«°Êµü¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤²Å¦X¤W­zªº¦³ (A) relish¡]¨É¨ü¡^©M (H) attract¡]§l¤Þ¡^¡A±©®Ú¾Ú»y·N¡A(A) ¶µÀ³¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    c. relish vt. ¨É¨ü¡F³ß·R
    You should relish every moment you have left with your aging grandfather.
  5. ... the roughly 110 musicians in the orchestra want everyone to have a chance to listen, learn, and love music.
    a. ¥»ÃD´ú¸Õ¥H¤U©T©w¥Îªk¡G
    roughly + ¼Æ¦r¡@¡@¤j¬ù­Y¤z……
    = approximately + ¼Æ¦r
    = some + ¼Æ¦r
    = about + ¼Æ¦r
    = around + ¼Æ¦r
    Roughly 30,000 people attended the concert.
    b. ®Ú¾Ú¤W­z¡A(F) ¶µÀ³¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
  6. Sharing their love for music, the artists perform frequently in schools, universities, and anywhere else they can attract young music lovers.
    a. ªÅ®æ«e¦³§U°Êµü can¡]¯à°÷¡^¡AªÅ®æ«á¦³¦Wµüµü²Õ young music lovers¡]¦~»´¼Ö°g¡^¡A±oª¾ªÅ®æÀ³¸m­ì§Î¤Îª«°Êµü¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤¬°­ì§Î¤Îª«°Êµüªº¶È³Ñ (H) attract¡]§l¤Þ¡^¡A¸m¤J«á¥ç²Å¦X»y·N¡A¬G¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    c. attract vt. §l¤Þ¡F¤Þ°_
    If you don't dispose of this garbage properly, you'll attract cockroaches to your apartment.
    ¡¯dispose of...¡@¡@³B²z±¼……
  7. Jazz, folk, and movie and musical soundtrack pieces add an eclectic excitement to the catalogue of classical orchestral performances.
    a. ¥»ÃD´ú¸Õ¥H¤U©T©w¥Îªk¡G
    add A to B¡@¡@§â A ¥[¨ì B ¤¤
    I always add a lot of sugar to my coffee because I like it really sweet.
    b. ®Ú¾Ú¤W­z¡A(J) ¶µÀ³¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
  8. Even students and starving artists are not priced out of admission...
    a. ªÅ®æ«á¦³¦Wµü artists¡]ÃÀ³N®a¡^¡A±oª¾ªÅ®æÀ³¸m§Î®eµü¥H­×¹¢artists¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤¬°§Î®eµüªº¶È³Ñ (G) starving¡]¤TÀ\ÃøÄ~ªº¡A°§¾jªº¡^¡A¸m¤J«á¥ç²Å¦X»y·N¡A¬G¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    c. starving a. ¤TÀ\ÃøÄ~ªº¡A°§¾jªº
    Seeing those starving children makes my heart hurt.
  9. Die-hard fans can even attend open practice sessions.
    a. ªÅ®æ«e¦³¦Wµü practice¡]½m²ß¡^¡A±oª¾ªÅ®æÀ³¸m¦Wµü¥H§Î¦¨¦Wµüµü²Õ¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤¬°¦Wµüªº¶È³Ñ (E) sessions¡]·|´Á¡^¡A¸m¤J«á¥ç²Å¦X»y·N¡A¬G¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    c. session n. ·|´Á¡F¡]½Ò°ó©Î¬¡°Êªº¡^¤@¬q®É¶¡
    The company holds regular training sessions to sharpen its employees' professional skills.
  10. For those who cannot make the trip or simply cannot get enough, the orchestra has over 500 recorded albums on sale.
    a. ªÅ®æ«á¦³§_©w§U°Êµü cannot¡]¤£¯à¡^¡A±oª¾ªÅ®æ¤ºÀ³¸m°Æµü¥H­×¹¢ cannot¡C
    b. ¿ï¶µ¤¤¬°°Æµüªº¶È³Ñ (D) simply¡]¶È¶È¡^¡A¸m¤J«á¥ç²Å¦X»y·N¡A¬G¬°¥¿¿ï¡C
    c. simply adv. ¶È¶È¡F²³æ¦a
    You can contribute to society simply by being a good citizen.
  1. Philharmonic n. ·R¼Ö¹ÎÅé
  2. orchestra n. ºÞ©¶¼Ö¶¤
  3. symphony n. ¥æÅT¼Ö
  4. ensemble n. ¤p«¬¦X«µ¹Î
  5. composer n. §@¦±®a
  6. soundtrack n.¡]¹q¼v¡^­ìÁn±a
  7. excitement n. ¥O¤H¿³¾Äªº¨Æ
  8. catalogue n. ¥Ø¿ý
  9. die-hard a. ¦º©¾ªº
  10. recorded a. ¿ý­µªº
  1. iconic a. «ü¼Ð©Êªº
    It is a new iconic moment that they finally gain human rights.
  2. recognized a. ¨ü¨ì»{¥iªº
    Lance Armstrong is the most recognized Tour de France champion.
  3. premiere vt. & n. ªì¦¸¤Wºt¡F­º¬M
    Many well-known classical musicians have played there, and the festival routinely premieres new operas.
    Jeremy's work had its premiere at the Paris Opera.
  4. institution n. ¾÷ºc
    The global economy has been in turmoil since the fall of the major financial institution.
    ¡¯in turmoil¡@¡@¦b²V¶Ã¤¤
  5. all over the globe ¡@¡@¥þ²y¦U¦a
    = all around the world
    America has had immigrants from all over the globe.
  6. eclectic a. ¤£©ë¤@®æªº¡A­Ý®e¨Ã»Wªº
    Nowadays, restaurants are often staffed by an eclectic mix of nationalities.
  7. admission n. ¤J³õ¶O
    = admission fee
    How much does the amusement park charge for admission?
  1. be priced out of...¡@ ¦]­n»ù¤Ó°ª¦Ó³Q±ÆÀ½……¤§¥~
  2. on sale¡@¡@¥X°â

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µª®×¡G¡@1. I¡@2. C¡@3. B¡@4. A¡@5. F¡@6. H¡@7. J¡@8. G¡@9. E¡@10. D


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