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2016/11/08 第288期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Kärcher Cleaning the World  凱馳 橫『掃』全球
by Daniel Howard

Kärcher is a cleaning product brand that does great things.

  A German company founded in 1935, Kärcher is a world leader in cleaning technology. The company began when Alfred Kärcher invented a new machine for hardening metals. He then _(1)_ produce high-quality cleaning equipment, especially pressure washers.
  In the 1980s, the company was the first to make portable pressure washers for home and small business use. It has become a multi-billion dollar business with more than 10,000 employees. In _(2)_ for its success, and to make sure it is always pushing itself to improve, Kärcher began the cultural sponsorship program, which cleans monuments and landmarks for free.
  In the United Kingdom, Kärcher _(3)_ its pressure washer technology to the London Eye. Their crew members worked at night to get rid of years of dirt from air pollution and the oil that keeps the Eye spinning. The Kärcher team had to first _(4)_ everything by hand before rinsing the cleaned areas with a pressure washer.
  In the United States, the team was called in to clean the iconic Mount Rushmore. These huge faces carved into the side of a mountain posed unique _(5)_ to Kärcher employees. They had to wear harnesses and hang off the side of the mountain as they cleared moss from the _(6)_ Presidents.
  Kärcher has also worked to restore the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, the Statue of Liberty in the United States, the Colossi of Memnon in Egypt, and Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, to _(7)_ just a few. Altogether, Kärcher has cleaned and restored 90 landmarks in its years of operation, which shows that big businesses can sometimes make a big difference, too.

1. (A) went on to  (B) held on to  (C) gave in to  (D) tuned in to
2. (A) hatred  (B) exchange  (C) grief  (D) gratitude
3. (A) exposed  (B) limited  (C) applied  (D) awarded
4. (A) bend  (B) scrub  (C) stain  (D) toss
5. (A) challenges  (B) proposals  (C) necessities  (D) commands
6. (A) inferior  (B) brutal  (C) historic  (D) gloomy
7. (A) utter  (B) mean  (C) say  (D) name

  1. He then went on to produce high-quality cleaning equipment, especially pressure washers.
    a. (A) go on to V  (做完某事)接著從事……
    同: proceed to V
    Despite starting her career in teaching, Kelly went on to become an editor.
    (B) hold on to sth  抓牢某物
    The old lady held on to the railing as she walked down the steps.
    *railing n. 欄杆
    (C) give in to sth  對某事讓步
    同: surrender to sth
    = concede to sth
    = yield to sth
    Mary quit her job instead of giving in to Mr. Smith's unreasonable demands.
    (D) tune in to...  收看/收聽……
    Every morning, I tune in to FM100 for the news.
    每天早上我都會收聽 FM100 的新聞。
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. In gratitude for its success, and to make sure it is always pushing itself to improve, Kärcher began the cultural sponsorship program...
    a. (A) hatred n. 厭惡,憎恨
    Philip made no secret of his hatred of rapists.
    *make no secret of...  不隱瞞……
    rapist n. 強暴犯
    (B) exchange n. 交換
    衍: in exchange for...  以換取……
    I gave John my watch in exchange for his fountain pen.
    *a fountain pen  鋼筆
    (C) grief n. 極度悲傷
    Jill suffered intense grief over her son's death.
    (D) gratitude n. 感激
    衍: in gratitude for...  表示對……的感謝
    I must treat you to dinner in gratitude for what you've done for me.
    b. 根據語意及用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. In the United Kingdom, Kärcher applied its pressure washer technology to the London Eye.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    apply A to B  把 A 運用到 B
    Scientists are trying to apply solar technology to automobiles.
    b. 其他選項:
    (A) expose A to B  使 A 接觸到 B
    To learn English well, you should expose yourself to it as often as possible.
    (B) limit A to B  將 A 限制於 B
    Peter was asked to limit his speech on the education system to an hour.
    (D) award A to B  將 A 頒給 B
    The principal awarded a trophy to the winning team.
    *trophy n. 獎杯;戰利品
    c. 根據上述語意及用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  4. The Kärcher team had to first scrub everything by hand before rinsing the cleaned areas with a pressure washer.
    a. (A) bend vt. 折彎 & vi. 彎下身來(三態為:bend, bent, bent。)
    衍: bend down  彎腰
    The strong man can bend a steel bar with his bare hands.
    Mandy bent down to kiss her daughter good-bye.
    (B) scrub vt. 擦洗;刷洗
    Dora tried to scrub the mark on the wall, but it wouldn't come off.
    (C) stain vt. 玷污;弄髒 & n. 污點
    The child spilled juice on the floor and stained the new white rug his mother bought.
    (D) toss vt. 扔,擲,拋 & vi. 翻來覆去
    After reading the note, David crumpled it up and tossed it into the trash can.
    *crumple vt. 弄皺
    Matt tossed and turned for hours, worrying about his interview in the morning.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. These huge faces carved into the side of a mountain posed unique challenges to Kärcher employees.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    pose a challenge to...  給……帶來挑戰
    Rising food prices pose a serious challenge to society at large.
    *at large  (用於名詞後)整個地
    b. 其他選項:
    (B) proposal n. 方案,提案
    (C) necessity n. 必需品
    (D) command n. 命令;指揮
    c. 根據上述語意及用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. They had to wear harnesses and hang off the side of the mountain as they cleared moss from the historic Presidents.
    a. (A) inferior a. 低劣的,較差的
    反: superior a. 優秀的;比……好的
    This sequel is inferior to the original movie.
    The functions of my new cell phone are superior to those of my old one.
    (B) brutal a. 殘忍的
    The government took extremely brutal measures to suppress the rebellion.
    *suppress vt. 鎮壓,壓制
    rebellion n. 叛亂
    (C) historic a. 歷史上著名的;歷史性的
    衍: historical a. 與歷史有關的
    It was on this historic spot that the battle was fought.
    The popular novel is based on historical events.
    (D) gloomy a. 憂鬱的;陰暗的(指天氣)
    Mary felt gloomy, so we all tried to lift her spirits.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. Kärcher has also worked to restore the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, the Statue of Liberty in the United States, the Colossi of Memnon in Egypt, and Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, to name just a few.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    to name just a few / couple  隨便舉幾個/一、兩個例子
    Tissue paper, soap, and toothpaste are daily necessities, to name just a few.
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  1. harden vt. 使變硬 & vi. 變硬
    反: soften vt. 使柔軟;軟化
    The sun hardened the mud on the road.
    My grandfather finally softened his stance on gay marriage.
    *stance n. 態度;立場
  2. equipment n. 設備,裝備(不可數)
    one equipment (×)
    a piece of equipment (○)  一項設備
    You need special pieces of equipment in order to go scuba diving.
  3. portable a. 便於攜帶的;手提式的
    Our product possesses the triple advantage of being inexpensive, portable, and easy to operate.
    *triple a. 三重的;三倍的
  4. sponsorship n. 贊助,資助
    衍: sponsor vt. 資助,贊助 & n. 贊助者
    The TV show was exclusively sponsored by Honda.
  5. monument n. 紀念碑;遺跡
    The villagers set up a monument in honor of the late hero.
    *in honor of...  以紀念……;向……表示敬意
  6. rinse vt. 沖洗
    After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly.
    *thoroughly adv. 徹底地,完全地
  7. carve vt. & vi. 雕刻;開創
    衍: carve out...  開創出……
    In less than five minutes, the chef carved the ice into a swan.
    *swan n. 天鵝
    Only by working hard can you carve out a bright future.
  8. restore vt. 復原;修復;恢復
    衍: restoration n. 修復(建築物、畫)
    The government has been working on restoring the historic building.
    The museum is closed temporarily for restoration and is scheduled to reopen to the public on May 1.
  9. liberty n. 自由
    衍: liberate vt. 解放,使自由
    liberate sb from sth  將某人從某事中解放
    Give me liberty or give me death.
    不自由,毋寧死。── 格言
    A 10-day trip to Japan temporarily liberated Larry from his daily routine.

a pressure washer  高壓清洗機
同: a power washer
harness n. 安全帶;馬具
moss n. 苔蘚
同: lichen n.
Redeemer n. 救世主

  1. push oneself to V  鞭策/強迫自己做……
    Frank must have pushed himself very hard to get where he is today.
  2. for free  免費
    同: free of charge
    The room costs NT$6,000 a night, with breakfast and dinner provided for free.
  3. get rid of...  去除(= clear away);擺脫……
    My mother tried all kinds of remedies to get rid of her headache.
    *remedy n. 療法
  4. call in...  請來……
    Several experts were called in to examine the unusual antiques.
    *antique n. 古董
  5. make a difference  有影響;使有所差別
    Nothing you say will make a difference because Luke is very stubborn.

凱馳 橫『掃』全球
  凱馳是一間成立於 1935 年的德國公司,它是清潔科技領域中的全球領導品牌。該公司草創時是以阿爾弗雷德•凱馳發明一種能硬化金屬的新型機器作為開始的。然後,他又接著生產高品質的清洗設備,尤其是高壓清洗機。
  1980 年代,該公司領先製造針對家庭和小型企業使用的便攜式高壓清洗機。它已成為一間數十億美元的企業,擁有一萬多名員工。為了對自身企業的成功表達感激之意,並確保該公司始終都在鞭策自身進步,凱馳展開了文化贊助計劃,亦即無償清洗紀念碑和地標。
答案: 1. A  2. D  3. C  4. B  5. A  6. C  7. D

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