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2022/01/18 第542期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

淨零排放的兩難處境 The Catch-22 of Net-Zero Emissions
JAN.12,2022/Analytical Editors

淨零排放的兩難處境 The Catch-22 of Net-Zero Emissions

   Climate change is an ongoing and ever-present threat to the Earth and all organisms living upon it. Unchecked industrialism and the burning of fossil fuels have resulted in the creation of harmful greenhouse gases. Human greed has led to...


迎接 Alpha 世代 Generation Alpha
JAN.10,2022/Analytical Editors

迎接 Alpha 世代 Generation Alpha

  The term “baby boomer” describes people born within the 19-year period after the end of World War II. It derives from the __1__ that occurred in many Western countries, such as the US and Canada, during that time. The term sparked the trend of giving generations specific names. The generations following the baby boomers were given alphabetic designations like Generations X, Y, and Z, respectively. A new naming system, however, seems to have arisen since the latest group has been __2__ Generation Alpha.
  「嬰兒潮世代」一詞描述第二次大戰結束後十九年內出生的人。它源於當時在美國和加拿大等許多西方國家發生的出生率大量上升的現象。這個詞引發了給各個世代的人取特定名稱的趨勢。嬰兒潮世代之後的世代分別被賦予字母名稱,像是 X、Y 和 Z 世代。然而,自從最新的一群世代被稱為 Alpha 世代以來,一個新的命名系統似乎已經出現了。...

  • derive from...   源自/起源於...
    = be derived from...
    vi. & vt. 源自,起源於
  • spark   vt. 引發,激發
  • alphabetic   a. 字母的
    alphabet   n. 字母表,全套字母


成本拉鋸戰 Cutting Costs
JAN.17,2022/Enjoy Editors

成本拉鋸戰 Cutting Costs

Dialogue A
C: Chuck G: Greta
Greta, a restaurant owner, is discussing the business with Chuck, the manager.
G: So, how are things going at the restaurant? Are we still making a profit?
C: For the time being, yes. But business has slowed drastically due to the pandemic safety measures.
G: I know. Overall, the economy is improving, but now the cost of ingredients is rising....

葛瑞塔: 所以說,餐廳狀況如何呢?我們仍然有獲利嗎?
查 克: 目前是的。但由於防疫政策,生意已大幅趨緩。
葛瑞塔: 我知道。整體而言,經濟正在好轉,但如今食材的成本正在上升。...

  • make a profit   獲利
    profit   n. 利潤
  • for the time being   目前;暫時
  • overall   adv. 整體來說
  • ingredient   n. 食材;成分


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