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2011/10/25 第27期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Disaster Earth 地球災難

  On March 11 of 2011, Japan and the world were given a wake-up call1 when a powerful natural disaster nearly destroyed the country. The 9.0-magnitude2 earthquake that struck northeastern Japan also led to a massive3 tsunami with over 40-meter waves. Even worse, the tsunami caused a series of nuclear4 accidents at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station. All this resulted in more than 15,000 deaths, nearly 13,000 people being injured or missing, and an estimated US$300 billion in damages.

  While Japan is recovering from the disaster, it is only a matter of time before Seattle, Washington suffers the same fate. This city is located just east of the Cascadia fault, which stretches nearly 1,000 kilometers from Vancouver Island, Canada to northern California. Scientists fear that a megathrust earthquake5, like the one that hit Japan, is likely to destroy the entire area. Megathrusts are the world's largest earthquakes and occur when one tectonic plate is forced under another. This month, National Geographic Channel works with experts to discover more about this huge threat on "Disaster Earth."




  1. disaster n. 災難,災禍
    Droughts, earthquakes, and floods are all natural disasters.
  2. destroy vt. 毀壞,破壞
    The scandal destroyed Scott's political career.
  3. strike vt.(天災、災難等)侵襲,降臨(三態為:strike, struck, struck。)
    A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck a city on the northern coast this morning.
  4. injure vt. 使受傷
    The pitcher left the game because he injured his throwing arm.
  5. estimated a. 估計的,估算的
    The estimated cost of completely remodeling the living room is NT$200,000.
  6. recover vi. 復原;恢復健康
    Ned recovered from the fever after taking medicine for a few days.
  7. stretch [ strEtS ] vi. 延伸,綿延
    The beautiful beach stretches nearly 80 kilometers.
  1. * be a matter of...  只是……的問題
    Whether or not Mark likes the wine is a matter of personal taste.
  1. wake-up call n. 警訊,警鐘
  2. magnitude n.(地震)震級,規模
  3. massive a. 巨大的,大規模的
  4. nuclear a. 核子的,核能的
  5. megathrust earthquake n. 大型逆衝區地震
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