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2013/11/12 第125期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Ultimate Airport Dubai 杜拜航站日誌


  People are flying around the world easily and frequently thanks to the airline industry. They rarely think beyond what affects their own travel plans. Mostly, they wonder whether their flights will be on time, what kind of food will be served, and if the in-flight movies will be good. However, the countless people working at airports worldwide have a lot more to worry about than that.
  On the planes, flight attendants work hard to provide quality service, while pilots make every effort to ensure everyone's safety. On the ground, airline agents try to process travelers' paperwork as quickly and smoothly as possible. Also, baggage handlers monitor all the baggage to make sure that they get to their proper destinations. Other airport staff are busy trying to keep everything running on schedule.
  Operating an airport is no easy task, especially one of the biggest in the world. With nearly 60 million travelers passing through its doors every year, Dubai International Airport knows what a challenge it can be. For a behind-the-scenes look at this major hub in the Arabian Desert, tune in to National Geographic Channel's Ultimate Airport Dubai.



  1. affect vt. 影響
    You need to calm down and not let anxiety affect your performance.
  2. quality a. 優質的
    Claire recommended a store that is famous for selling quality cheese.
  3. make every effort  盡力,努力
    Both of the teams made every effort to win the championship game.
  4. smoothly adv. 順暢地;順利地
    Up to the present, everything has been going smoothly.
  5. monitor vt. 監控;監視(聽)
    The police were monitoring the suspect's phone calls.
  6. proper a. 正確的;適當的
    This is not the proper time to tell George the bad news.
  7. staff n. 職員,員工(集合名詞)
    The clothing store gives its staff a 30 percent discount.
  8. on schedule  按照預定時間
    We were almost late because the train didn't arrive on schedule.
  1. flight attendant n. 空服員
  2. ensure vt. 確保
  3. baggage handler n. 機場行李員
  4. destination n. 目的地
  5. behind-the-scenes a. 幕後的
  6. hub n. 樞紐
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