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2015/06/22 第145期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


如何學習外語到「口若懸河」的地步? 除了採用正確的學習方法,更要避開幾項根深柢固的錯誤觀念。其實學習外語一點也不難,難的是你的態度不正確!



a)  不知所措

b)  沉浸

c)  定律


The following are seven common mistakes that will get in the way when you learn a new language.


Freaking out about making mistakes

“To err is human.” Don’t beat yourself up about mistakes. You can 1) by no means reach fluency without making a raft of them. Always bear in mind that mistakes are the gateway to success.



Thinking you’ll never pronounce it right

With hundreds of sound units in the world’s languages, it’s easy to feel a) overwhelmed. Just identify the phonetic rules that make difficulties.Then, make a list of words and try to say them to yourself again and again.



Focusing on the wrong vocabulary

Choose the right words for yourself. Vocabulary serves you best when it’s related to your life. Focusing on these words allows you to build a vocabulary that you can use in conversations 2) in a jiffy.



Believing immersion is all about living abroad

Some claim that you can only be b) immersed in a language by living abroad. Actually, immersion has less to do with your location than your environment. Create a lifestyle where exposure to your target language is around every corner.



Getting frustrated when listening to natives

When learning a language, you’ll soon notice the lightning speed at which natives speak. You need to train your listening skills to link the sounds of the language to the written form. For example, listen to a conversation while following along with its text.



Having a study-heavy approach

To improve your language ability, you need to study LESS, not more. Don’t lose sight of the reason you’re doing this — to communicate with people around the globe! Schedule time to meet up and practice with native speakers.



Believing it has to be hard

In fact, the difficulty doesn’t lay within the language itself, but in the study methods and materials you use, and your attitude towards the language. Adjust your approach like a scientist tests out new c) theorems. Find the methods that work best for you.





1. by no means

By no means的意思是「絕不做」、「絕不會」的意思。

This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. (這決非解决問题的好方法)

有by no means也有意思完全相反的"by all means",想盡一切辦法、努力去做。

You must achieve our goal by all means. (你一定要設法去達成目標)

by all means 還可延伸為「當然」

A: Can you answer the phone for me? 可以幫我接一下電話嗎?

B: By all means. 當然。


2. In a jiffy 


Mary is a very efficient employee, as she can always do things in a jiffy. 瑪麗是非常有效率的員工,她做事非常迅速。


  1. I haven’t recovered from jet leg yet. 我的時差還沒有調過來。
  2. Hi, I want to apply for a telephone number. 嗨,我想要申請一支市話。
  3. Would you like that to here or to go? 你想要內用還是外帶?
  4. Sorry, I’m out of name cards. 抱歉,我的名片用完了。
  5. How many years of working experience do you have? 你有幾年的工作經驗呢?


  1. I haven’t recovered from jet lag yet.
    「時差」的英文是jet lag,lag是「延遲」之意,不論發音[læg]或意思都與leg(腿 )不同。
  2. Hi, I want to apply for a telephone line.
    向電信局申請市內電話時,由於申請的是電話線路服務(電話號碼是申請完的結果),所以應該說apply for a telephone line,而不是apply for a telephone number。
  3. Would you like that for here or to go?
    「內用」是for here,切莫誤以為要與to go對稱而用錯了介系詞。
  4. Sorry, I’m out of business cards.
    個人所印製的專屬名片是name card,若由公司所印製的名片最好用business card。
  5. How many years of work experience do you have?
    Work本身也可以當名詞,所以「工作經驗」直接用work experience即可。

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